Chapter. 9 Wide Eyes and Shock

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Gon's POV:

The old man asked us some questions about who we were keeping our eye on, and who we wanted to fight the least. I bet it was information for the 5th phase.

I said I was keeping an eye on Hisoka and Kurapika, and I wanted to fight Kurapika and Killua the least. I was keeping an eye on Hisoka, because he will do just about anything and I was keeping an eye on Kurapika, because of my troupe, but I didn't say that. And I don't want to fight Killua, because he's my best friend, and I don't want to fight Kurapika because I want to wait for the others before taking him down.

I met up with Kurapika, Leoreo, and Killua after the interview and asked them what they picked.

"I am keeping an eye on Gon for positive reasons, and Hisoka for negative, and I won't fight unless there is a reason, or I would rather not fight at all," Kirapika said. I could tell he wasn't lying. Maybe he wasn't suspicious of me. That's good.

"I am keeping an eye on Gon, Killua, and Hisoka. I least want to fight Gon. I owe you one for saving my ass in the first phase, and I'm scared of you man! Killua your creepy aswell!" Leoreo said making the rest of us laugh.

"I'm keeping an eye out for Gon and I least want to fight, Gon and that guy with the bow and arrows. He looks too easy," Killua said.

"I'm looking out for Hisoka and I least want to fight, is Kurapika and Killua," I said. Leoreo put a hand on his heart and pretended to sob.

"Nobody least wants to fight me. You all hate me," he sobbed. The three of us laughed at Leoreo's fake cry. Suddenly, we heard an announcement.

"Hello contestants! We will be arriving shortly at our destination, so I ask that you please come to the front of the boat so we may escort you off," the lady said.

"Hey, you guys know about the phantom troupe right?" Kurapika asked. Shit. We all nodded our heads because they were famous.

"Well anyway, do you guys know who the 4th member is?" Kurapika asked. We all shock our heads. Well, I knew because it was me, but I had to play along.

"No. Nobody knows who he or she is. I herd it the 4th member was assassinated and they never replaced her," Leoreo informed.

"I want to fight him or her one day!" I said making it sound like I didn't know who they were.

"Gon! Do you have a death wish?!" Kurapika asked. We all laughed and the four of us got to the front of the boat to meet with the others. I studied them all closely in case I was fighting them. We got off the boat and onto an island. The old man came up and showed us a board.

"These are the people you are going to be fighting. Based on information we have collected, we decided to make it so that only one of you will fail. The rules are simple. You will win when your opponent admits defeat. And killing your opponent in forbidden. If you kill your opponent, you will immediately fail the hunter exam and the rest of the people will automatically win," the old man said. WHAT! YOU CANT KILL THEM!

"That's fucking ridiculous," I mumbled under my breath. Thankfully nobody heard me. The first guy I was fighting was bald, muscular, and looked like he had been through some serious training. Through, he clearly didn't know what nen was, and he also wasn't even close to my physical power. I was up first.

"Will Gon and Hanzo please step forward for the first match," the ref said.

"Kick ass out there Gon," Kirapika encouraged.

"Don't loose or I'll kill you myself," Killua said with a smile.

"You know damn well I won't," I replied and tightened the bandage around my arm the covered my tattoo.

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