Highball.. You made me wait in line? I chuckle starting his drink.
C'mon, not like its cold and you wait what? 15 minutes? He put his hand over his heart acting hurt.
I'm here most of the night, I thought I would be one of your VIP! How could you do this to me? I roll my eyes over his dramatic ass before putting his drink before him.
You could have went to one of yours.. I'm sure you don't have to wait there. He took a sip. I still don't get why you come here so often when you own three clubs. 
Four.. Alright show off I don't have the stress here, I can just enjoy myself. At the clubs I keep getting bother every 30 minutes and end up having to work. He smirk seeing me pick up an order from one of the waiter and get it ready. You should try it sometimes.. it's nice. I smile.
No need to.. I enjoy it and when my late night staff start I get to either head home or go be free on the dance floor.
Hoping for option two tonight. He raise his glass taking another sip while I give the multiple drink to the waiter. I was about to reply but that when I realize something. I rest my elbow on the bar giving him a playful stare. What? Are you finally finding me irresistible? No.. that happen a while ago..
You are dress way more casual then usual.. This mean new girl. He was wearing jeans with a white tank top under a leather jacket. He took a sip of his drink with his amuse look, he always enjoy my guessing games. So the outfit mean she's young. Martini? No to fancy.. Sex on the beach? He smirk getting closer.
Are you offering? Was he making me go insane? Yes but the fact that he was flirting while he was on a date always remind me of how much of a players he was. I shook my head.
Can we have one evening where you don't try to get in my pants? He giggle before he empty his glass in one go.
Screwdriver and I'll take another one. He said pointing at his glass. I urge to make them fast noticing the line for the bar is getting longer. Put his two drink in front of him, he get his wallet handing me a few bills. Keep the change Boss.. I give him a genuine smile.
Thanks sir.
And to answer your question, nah.. I enjoy it to much.. He lean in close to my ear... and I know you do too. He wink, grab his drink and return to his date. Never I've been this glad it was dark because I could feel my cheeks burning up. I watch him walk away, hating him for the effect he has on me and sadly I'm sure he knows.I still remember the first time I saw him here, maybe a bit more then a year ago. He was making out with his "date" at the bar, she was a bit to drunk, she probably forgot she was in public and tried to climb on him but since she didn't have any balance she end up falling on the bar creating a mess. Bottle and glass fell breaking as soon as they hit the floor, sadly for me I was not looking making drink and end up with pieces of glass stuck in my leg. Was the last time I came to work in shorts.. His reaction was not what I expected from how he look. He was rich and look really cocky, ok technically he still is but instead of turning the situation like it was our fault he scold his what I thought was his girlfriend and help cleaning the bar being apologetic. This is when he notice my leg bleeding and offer to drive me to the hospital but I kindly decline. It's was not deep cuts, mostly some scratch and the bar was so busy, we were short staff, so I put some bandage on it and kept going, I couldn't afford to leave. The next day he came back, he wanted to pay for the damage that happen the previous night. I told him it was fine we only lost a few glass and beer but then he ask how was my leg. It's was early in the evening so we end up having a chat about being bar owners. I told him the story of mine and it when I learn he also own clubs in town. I was charm, I didn't had a connection with a man in a long time, more then just physical that is. He came average 2 or 3 nights a week, sometimes he was alone or with some friends, other time he was with a girl or two, most the time different one. This is when reality hit and that I shouldn't have feeling for him but it was to late.. I was already whi.. 
You are so whipped! Mary made me snap back from my thought.
I'm not.. She raise a brow totally not buying it. Ok fine but still! Can you believe he just kept flirting with me while he's on a date? Cool thing with Mary is we can have full on conversation and still do our job perfectly. She chuckle at my comment.
Yes.. yes I can. I groan annoyed. Girl he has been trying to get with you for a year now. Why don't you let it happen? I thought she was joking but giving her a look.. no she was serious..
And give him the satisfaction? No way!
Zee it's not a competition! She put her hand on my shoulder. Just have fun! How long it's been since you had a good fuck? A month? Maybe two.. I don't know if I would call it good but was still sex.
Not that long.. and anyway he's a regular client it could be awkward.
He slept with half your staff.. he still come over every week. Why was I not aware of this? My eyes widen looking at her. Realization hit and she start focusing more on the drink she was making. I lean back against the bar waiting for her to give me an answer. After serving her last costumer she sigh. Happen once ok! It was like almost a year ago.. way before I start going out with Hobi. I think my jaw drop. I was not mad, maybe a bit sad, thinking I was maybe special but I was more shock that I never knew. Also, now I was overthinking, did he made my bar some sort of game that he has to sleep with all the female staff and I'm the final boss? God you can be such a nerd! Zee.. it's no big deal really. You obviously like the guy and it just sex.. I do more then I would want to. Also it's worth. She send me a wink and I send her a disgusted face in return. I turn my attention to the crowd, all the table were full including the bar stool, even the dance floor was packed. Then I notice the men in question having a tongue fight with his date. I was annoyed. Part of me which I was the one on his lap, the other remind me that I would probably just get hurt. Not that I never had one night stand before but our little "game" we have been playing for month, teasing one another, got me attach to him in some way that if I were to do the move I would get hurt every time I see another in his arm. 

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