Chapter Six: The Conjuring

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LeyLey POV

We went into the neighbor's room and prepare for the ritual. "We need runes and candles." Y/N said reading from the book So I used the guard blood and traced the runes onto the circle. While Julia uses her lighter to light the candles. Then we turned on the music and waited. Suddenly the room went dark and in the middle of the circle appeared a demon. We all stood with our mouths wide open. "What do you offer moral?' the demon asked looking at us. I was panicking, we had nothing to offer and we are going to die just like the man. Suddenly the guard came into the room. "Ok if we are going to do this then we need to cut the music." The guard said annoyed. "I offer him!" I shouted pointing at the guard. Before the guard could say anything, there was a scream and a black cloud. After the cloud clears, there was the dead body of the guard. The demon looked at me and said "We will meet again moral." before vanishing. "What was that about?" Y/N asked. "No idea." I answered looking at the circle. "Well we did the ritual so let's go back to the others." Julia said. We nodded as we ran out the room and headed to the third floor. We opened the door to see the lady layint on the bed dead and Luke and Andy were just standing there. "What happened?" Julia asked looking at the dead lady. "Well we let the lady go and she got a nail gun and was going to aim at Andy so I cut her throat just in time." Luke said. " Why would you let her go in the first place?" Juila asked annoyed. "Well we thought she would be fine. Lesson learned." Andy said. "So did you summon the demon?" Luke asked. "We did but he was no help. But we have the key to the second floor." Leyley said throwing Luke the key. We all left the room and headed to the second floor.

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