Teen Fiction/YA/NA {Final Round}

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The judges for the final round of TF/NA/YA are given below. The participants below please follow them and make sure to inform us if you have changed your username.


1. Truth In A Masquerade by crimsonbrine

2. Jazz It Up by KemasGift

3. The Downsides Of Popularity by with-love-rose

4. Carlston's secrets by Sonipass


5. Four Years Ago by ninpaspritney

6. Empress of Wynter by JAuh009

7. A Memory of Starfires by Aravis-Brightspell

8. No. 62 Claremond Street by RookWri78

9. Resisting Hearts by arlenerae

P.S.: We have a mini-contest(writing) going on for our monthly contest. To know the details, check out our contest book. We also have a fun photography contest going on, but that is on our Discord server. You can join us using the link in our link tree.

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