"At least I don't cry after getting lost in the mall," Siya laughs, recalling the past incident.

"Bhai, your wife is teasing me"  Avyansh whines to his elder brother.

"See, you always cry like a baby"  Siya showed her tongue, teasing him.

"But you love this baby"  Avyansh let out these words which made him come out of the trance and zip his mouth.

Siya smiled, finding a glimpse of her old Avy.

Reyansh stopped the car in front of the old temple of Ganpati Bappa.

He opens the door for Siya, taking the box of modak and basket in his hold.

She holds his hand, ascending the stairs of the temple more like pulling him with her.

Myra looks around, finding the surroundings too calm. Avyansh observed the cute face of his wife which earned a  chuckle out of him.

Sania pulls her braided hairs to the front of the shoulder, climbing the stairs while sunansh followed her behind.

Bodyguards followed them behind guarding them.

Siya rang the bell joining her hands, taking the paper sheets from the basket she applied the vermillion and turmeric on the idol of Ganesh.

Turning around she tried to apply the vermillion on Reyansh's forehead but he showed his palm denying it but she applied it nevertheless.

He brought his hand to rub it off but she held his hands stopping his actions.

"Don't" she said, giving a smile which always worked on him.

"Come here" she called the others.

Applying the small circle of vermillion on everyone's forehead with her ring finger she turned around.

Lightening the incense sticks, she looked here and there finding the stand but couldn't find one, her attention landed on the banana kept at the corner, inserting the incense stick in it ; transferring the wicks into the lightning diya she kept the eleven modak modak in front of the idol on the flask of the box and rest inside the box.

"Take his blessings, bache" she said to everyone joining his hand together and hers afterwards.

'Bappa ,manle tasa 11 modak aanle. Tumcha aashirwad nehmi majha and majha parivar sobat rahu de.Majha baba chi kalji ghya, ani, thank you majha ansh Mala parat deyla

(Bappa, as  told I brought 11 modak. Always shower your blessings on me and my family.Take care of my father. And, thank you for giving me my old ansh)

'I married my avy baby, got a nice and chaotic family. The only thing I need is love from him, if you fulfil my wish I will also offer you eleven modak like bhabhi' Myra prayed

'Keep my family happy Ganpati bappa. My bhai suffered a lot, he got his happiness through Siya bhabhi please don't let him suffer more and always keep them happy. Avyansh bhai is still a child who always craves for love and Myra is a perfect match for him, let him realise his feelings before it's too late. Sania, I never wanted her  to be a part of this shitty family and now that she is, I want to give her all the happiness she deserves' Sunansh prayed.

'Marriage always scares me. New people, new family I was afraid to start my new life along with strangers. But he is different, his family is different of course except the bitches in the house. I want to give this marriage a chance, Give him a chance. Please give me blessings to tolerate his dramatic ass'  Sania prayed.

'I tried my best to make her hate me but she never left my side. And, now that she is married to me I'm afraid, what if I will not be able to put a facade of hate in front of her, what if she gets to know my real feelings? Please never let her see my feelings. Keep my bhai, siya bhabhi, little bandar, his little bandariya and her happy' Avyansh prayed.

Reyansh just looked ahead, joining his hands, which Siya forced him to do.

Siya opened her eyes, touching the feet of the idol and taking the blessings.

"Here" she forwards the modak which was kept inside the box to Sunansh who happily eats it.

Giving the modak to everyone as Prasad she hands one to Reyansh who eats a little amount from it and gives rest to sunansh.

"Come here" she says to the bodyguards who were guarding them.

"Prasad" she gives the modal to them who smiles at the gesture of their madam.

"For you my baby" she hands the box to sunansh which had two modak remaining.

Sania quickly snatches the modak eating it hurridely and Myra does the same leaving none for sunansh.

Siya takes the eleven modak which were kept for Ganpati bappa, eating it happily.

"weren't they for god?" Myra questioned.

"Yes, they were but now they are mine" Siya smiled while eating another modak.

"Bhabhi~~" sunansh whined showing his index finger with a pout asking for a modak.

"I'm sorry sunansh, I saved this for myself" Siya says nonchalantly, facing her back to him eating third modak.

"She doesn't share her sweets with anyone" Avyansh muttered in sunansh's ears.

"But I am an exception"

Siya shakes her head as a no, still back facing him eating her fifth modak.

"Brpp" she burped after eating the tenth modak. Turning around she passed the last one to sunansh, he smiled widely forwarding his hands to take it but another hand snatched it away from his hold, again.

"Sania" he screamed when Sania ate the last modak.

"I hate you" he puffed in anger walking away from them.

'Gusse me bhi Kitna cute lagta'

Sania giggled, chewing the sweet.

They descended the stairs walking towards their car.

"Avy baby, please buy me those roses" Myra pointed at the rose stall across the street.

"Buy it yourself" Avyansh answered walking further.

"Okay then" she turned around walking on the road taking baby steps afraid of the vehicles.

Avyansh clicks his tongue in annoyance, pulling her back and walking towards the rose stall himself.

Myra smiled in victory winking at him.

"A bouquet of red roses, fresh roses. Pack it nicely"  he ordered the lady keeping a few 500 notes on the table.

The lady wanted to deny his order after the way he sounded so rude but kept silent after seeing the bundle of notes.

He turned back looking at the other side of the road, finding his wife smiling and waving at him, Sunansh stood puffed cheeks and an angry look and Sania tried to convince him but seemed like she was making him more angry. Siya was laughing looking at the quarrel between the couple and Reyansh was admiring his wife.

He smiled, finding the scene too adorable. Taking out his phone, he captured the moment in his expensive phone.

"You order, sir" the lady Said and handed him the bouquet.

He took the bouquet from her hand more like it was snatched from her and took a few steps towards the road.

"AVY!!"  Myra screamed, earning the attention of others.

Avyansh looked at his side where her attention was and saw a truck coming at him at full speed.

He stood rooted at his place, feeling numb to move a single muscle. The past incident played in his mind like a broken radio, his breathing turned heavy, hold on the bouquet loosened making it fall on the ground. Before he could think of anything his body came in contact with the rough ground earning a painful scream from him.

I didn't open my wattpad for two days straight thinking the response would be too great for the prank I pulled but I was disappointed  and now I will disappoint by killing a character.

Hmphh 🫥

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