Others just sighed by these two showing off like this .

"After these two come in this university, we are really out of picture.right? Tay," Krist said, sighing. Because no one minding them even a bit . Tay nodded and sighed, drinking the water normally, and looked at it blinking .

"What's there with drinking a water . These students are really crazy " Tay blabbered to himself .

"Don't forget to come to today's party, okay?" Krist said loudly, and Ohm gave a thumbs up and walked away from there .

Tay and Krist sighed .

"It's been two years from day one. Why are you guys so much fighting with eachother  hah " Tay asked . Almost everyone in the uni knows about the great hatred between the two good football players in the university football team. 

It was like that from the start.  They hate each other's guts . You will think that by looking at their sync in game, they will be good friends . But no, you are wrong they hate from their first meet .They have a lot of similarities . They have a rich family, handsome face , top in everything, and also well-known players of university. They study in the same faculty, having the same circle of friends, and then everyone is wondering why these two only hate each other.

"Seriously, Ohm, why you hate Nanon ? " Nani asked to Ohm while they were walking from there .

"Who will not hate him . I wonder what's there to hype him like this . He has only that showing off dimples, which I hate the most .Also , he really has so much self pride and is very messy . " Ohm said with an annoying look which he only had while talking about Nanon or looking at him . Nani shook his head like there's no use to say anything to Ohm is its about Nanon . But Nani is also a friend of Nanon, too .

"Ooii Phi, don't ask me about him more  . It's been 2 years, and still, he has that handsome face with lots of self obsession, and he is clearly an A+ level asshole . Also, how crazy he is and how childish it is. All the total, I don't even like even a bit of him . "Nanon said, rolling his eyes dramatically and thinking about Ohm. He drank the water and went from there with Dew  bidding a byee to Tay and Krist .

"These guys never gonna be a bit down with their ego . " Tay said with a done expression shooking his head.

" Let's make a way to make their pride down for a bit," Krist said with an evil smirk .

"What are you planning ? If it something evil, then I am sure you will not look this handsome ever again they will make you pay for that.  " Tay said .

"Hey, but I am your friend. You have to support me and help me too . " Krist said, pouting, and Tay looked at Krist in a done expression.

" I wanna saw them together, at least for. Second, without any arguments and fighting other than in the field . It's my last wish before graduation. " krist said, sighing.

" What are you really up to ? Its not like we are gonna make them lovers ." Tay said .

"Didn't you see a spark between them ? And also didn't you hear the famous say that where there is love there will be little fights also . Don't they look good together? Look at their looks towards each other, how lovely "  Krist said, looking at both who are in a different direction but giving a glance to each other. Nani and Dew are just done with the blabbering of them for sure .

"Krist.. I really think you need some eye test . Lovely? My ass ? Look at those to give death glare to both . Only god know when they will fight with eachother Seriously and the coach will dismiss one of them . " Tay said, sighing . They are warned by their coach already by getting into a fight . Tay was thinking like how can Krist see lovey dovey in these two who are ready to fight when they see each other.

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