44 Hustle bustle, Disastrous decision 🙆,broom stick rewards 😆, I hate you

Start from the beginning

Everyone are startled and turned around and saw him including Bondita .

He is here to her rescue like her protector.

A smile crept upon  Bondita's face and raised her heartbeat . She felt so relieved and raised from bench and   approached him not noticing that her dupatta had fallen and her dress is torn slightly near arms and at ankles .  She is about to wrap her arms around him but in last second When she is few inches away she realised her condition that she herself trapped in this fiasco and hesitated to wrap her arms around him and hide herSelf in his embrace.

She felt so ashamed and very embarrassed for putting herSelf in this fix and making him visit police station . Because of him now he will also be blamed like last time

What has she thought and what had happened in real . She thought that she is searching a job for her own survival so that she could free him from her responsibility and he will go away look after his own life  but she didn't anticipate all this .

She again did another blunder and now she  really don't have guts to raise her head and look at him . But Anirudh couldn't see her like that and he took out dupatta from ground and when he bent he saw her pant at ankle got torn and bruises are there. This made him more frantic. He carressed those bruises and his touch shivered her more making her feel solace and also fear.

She thought that If he know the real reason why these bruises are formed definitely he won't react softly.

May be this time his angry will reach peaks and he will definitely raise hand on her. Yeah it will happen for sure . . 

He looked at her painfully holding his tears and  wrapped the dupatta around her alongwith his arms and pushed  her close to him assuring with his touch that she is fine and safe now

When Anirudh is attending Bondita ,
Lady constable asked arrogantly: Hey who are you ? Are you related to this girl ? What relationship?

Just then sub inspector came out of his cabin listening to Anirudh's tone and recognised him . Before he react  ANIRUDH only Introduced him as Barrister Anirudh

SI immediately reacted with fear in his tone : Sir you ! Please come .

He turned to lady constable and yelled on her : Dont you know who he is . He is one of the leading lawyer in city and also one of the important person of Janta Asthitw party. He is the hidden  backbone and strength of the party progress.

Bondita is amazed to listen this.  She felt proud of him for a minute but next second she again became sad that He didn't share anything about his profession all this time to her  .

Yes why will he share ? She is not his age,  nowhere close to his heart  just a burden to him so he may not feel comfortable in sharing his professional success with her .

Lady constable immediately folded hands infront of Anirudh and apologized both of them .

Turning to Anirudh SI told : Sir please come .. please have your seat . What would you like to have ? Tea, coffee or cool drink?

Hey constable! Go and get 


Bondita is  trembled to his voice in his embrace.

In her thoughts : Baapre ! he is too angry. At any time he will burst on her

When she trembled he felt her shiver and slightly patted her back . She closed her eyes and thought: please don't do this to me bava . It will make my heart yearn more for your  love . With much difficult I made my heart stubborn and trying to be angry on you . If you do this I will be addicted to you badly  and can't go away from you . I will be selfish and possesive for you .

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