A Ballad of Falling Light [Abiya]

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Book: A Ballad of Falling Light
Author: XxFaylinexX
Reviewer: Ablazeisaleo
Chapters read: 7

Cover and Title (7/10):
The cover is pretty, royal looking, and simple however I would suggest having a brighter font as since the background is royal blue it would be hard for the readers to read the wording, and trust me considering that this is an online platform no one would strain themselves to read the title and the small logline above and there are high chances for your book to get skipped over. Apart from that, the cover and title are simple and beautiful.

Blurb (2/10):
Let’s be honest here, I didn’t understand what the blurb was trying to tell me about the story. As a reader, I’m really confused as to what this story contains as there are a few quotes and there’s a talk about war, and an introduction of Nerinea and Schaduw but the blurb lacks information on who these people are and what war the story is talking about. A reader attempts to give a book a try only when the blurb sounds appealing to them otherwise they just skip over. I would suggest having a whole blurb revamp depicting the setting of the plot and a short intro about the characters and ending it with a cliffhanger.

Character Description (9/10):
Beautiful characterization! I loved how all the characters in this book had their respective screen time without one overshadowing the other. I’m a fire element so I might have a small liking for the Phoinixians lmao but overall I just loved it!

Plot and Writing Style (10/10):
The writing style was professional and ethereal. Every word caught my attention which led me straight to chapter 7 and the cliffhanger on chapter 7 is gold! To be honest from the blurb I never expected anything from the book but you exceeded my expectations with such lush writing. Keep up the good work!

Grammar (8/10):
Regarding grammar, I did stumble upon a few grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes but a grammar checker can help solve the above issue.

Overall, the story has great potential but with the changes mentioned above it’s going to be a gem!

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