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Allison POV

I decided to go through my books in my spell room to see if I could find something different I could work on. I had a bunch of books either floating around me or on the floor. I heard Mirage snoring somewhere behind me, I knew Zack was also asleep in the living room, and Ava was taking a bath with Jonny. 

I eventually grabbed a certain book that was filled with spells that required blood, from a drop to a whole bowl of it. 'I thought I burned this...oh wait, I need it.' I sighed before I levitated it towards my desk and continued my search. After the incident that took place with my family years ago, I decided to do everything I could to help Avery and Aaron with their curse. Avery let me get a blood sample to work on since the curse was a genetic thing. 

I paused and all the books that were floating around me fell, I heard Zack barking. 


"Red-haired Prisoner!"

I sighed before I waved my hand and all the books were back on my shelf, I noticed Mirage stretch as she yawned, I guessed the yelling and barking woke her up. I walked through my wall and through my door before I saw Ava and the guys in the living room. Zack was next to her before he ran over to me. He and Mirage sniffed each other before she walked away to lie down next to the glass.

I sighed and walked to Ava. "Alright, what happened this time?" She turned to me and fixed her towel before she spoke. "They were in the wall while I was taking a bath!" Her head turned to them. "Why are you guys in my wall anyway!? Ya know what, I don't care. If we're gonna be your prisoners we need to lay out some ground rules."

The prince was clearly upset at this. "You're both prisoners. You don't get to make rules."

'What was his name again?' 

"Who's the powerful sorcerer? That's right, me."


"Tsk. Ugh!" I chucked at her getting upset when she was corrected. I noticed Rhys tilt his head before he asked a question. "Does that mean you're companion is not a sorceress." He pointed at me, I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Technically, no. I'm a witch. Which means I have more magic abilities than Ava." I felt myself slightly smirk as Ava glared at me when I said that last part. 'This is karma for dragging me into this.' Rhys lifted his hand to his chin. "Fascinating. Do you think you could demonstrate-"

"That's not the point!" I looked at Ava when she shouted and took a deep breath. "Why are you guys coming through my walls?" Even though Ava was pissed I wasn't that bothered, but that's probably because they haven't intruded on me yet. I sat down on the couch close to the window as Rhys explained. 

"Once our home is linked to a surface, we can enter from any place at will in close proximity."

"So you guys can come in anywhere in my apartment, at any time?"

"He literally just said that." I glanced at Laif before I propped my arm up on the armrest. "They can't go in my room."


They all turned to me, I could tell they were both surprised and confused. "Given how kill happy some of you are..." I glanced at Leif again. "I used a seal to keep you guys out. The last thing I need is one of you guys getting ahold of something dangerous." Ava looked at me before she sighed. "Fine, if you're gonna be like that. And, I can fix this." She turned around and walked into her room before she walked out with a red crayon. I was gonna question what she was doing before she began to draw a rectangle on the wall. 

"This is my magic spell wand called Crayola. Once I mark this door, you are bound to only use this spot to enter and exit. If you don't use this spot, you'll die." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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