"Eirian has fallen." Aelia said coldly. "There's nothing that can be done with it. The Starling will find no home in it but the slums."

"If my studies are true, the Princess can return the light of Eirian's star if she takes back her throne or she can appoint a new heir. Either way, the kingdom might rise again." Ottis answered back.

She flung out her hands in a dismissing manner. "Very well, very well. But that's not our concern. Our concern is whether we can trust her or not. Surely, we've you've all heard of her crimes."

Napatingin ako kay Faelyn nang ilang beses siyang kumurap sa direksyon ko.

Offer something. Risk something. That's what Faelyn's blind eyes seem to say to me.

"Name your price." I told the goddess, meeting her furious gaze.

She arose from leaning against the throne. I prayed silently that the twelve have been good enough in hiding that she might not felt them from her power spreading across this shrine.

"You have abilities that are quite useful. Where did you get these?" She asked.

"Uh, training? Years of experience?" I tried not sound sarcastic, but I have a very treacherous mouth. Napadaing si Faelyn sa kanyang upuan at napahimas naman ulit si Ottis sa kanyang noo.

"I meant abilities like using symbols... symbols that have been driven out from spells and removing curses from one's body..." She throw a glance at Ilias. "...talking to the stars and wielding Death's sword. You are not a witch to wield spells and according to history, that sword was passed down from the bloodline of knights. You are certainly not one. So, how did that end up in your hands?"

She leaned back on her seat and looked at me from head to toe. "I also don't believe you can speak to the stars. For only Ravensiels can do that. You are merely doing it for show, haven't you?"


She raised a hand. "From what I've heard, you are also an excellent liar."

Her lips rose. A masterful grin lingered on her face. "There's nothing true about you. Perhaps, I should just kill you instead as my price for the shrine you've destroyed."


Hindi ko inalis ang titig ko sa kanya. She raised a brow, challenging. I groaned underneath my breath. Was that all she's going to say? Surely, as a goddess, she knows the elven kings of Demesthos were possessed and that its village was plagued. If it weren't for me, its people would remain trap and sick there.

Napalunok ako at tuluyan ng bumaba ang tingin kay Faelyn. Fine. She wants me to risk something? Fine.

"I was Lysandra's slave during the war." I spoke.

Everyone in the hall took a sharp breath and quieted. A long, dead silence passed. Napasulyap ako kay Ilias. He was no longer looking at me. He was looking at my sword in hands. I saw his fingers grip it hard. He took that from me when before we went inside here.

"Interesting. Go on." The goddess said, still the playfulness lingered in her eyes.

"She made me fight for her during the war by planting spells all over me." I answered as numb as I could, only speaking out what needs to be known by her and keeping the rest of it to myself.

"How did she put the spells in you?" She asked.

"She carved all of it in my skin."

"I would like to see." She eyed the elven guards behind me. "Strip her."

I felt the bond flickered. Ilias took a step to my direction with my sword raised on his hand. The goddess would've seen him intervening if it weren't for Ottis grabbing his shoulder. I shook my head to him as well. No.

Delight on Frozen Bones (Legend Of The Stars #4)Where stories live. Discover now