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Your POV

You walk out of the stadium feeling a strange feeling of ecstasy. It was a long time since you were in front of a large crowd. It felt fulfilling again, it was nice for the attention you had to not be your parents. You were walking across the bridge from Motostoke to Turffield. You particularly couldn't wait for the gym battle with Allister.

== time skip because I can't be bothered to write three gym leaders battles' sorry ==

You were walking back to Stow-on-side already. Time really flew by fast. It felt like it was only two minutes ago that you got the endorsement from Allister. Since then you participated in the ceremony, and had gotten the badges from Milo, Nessa, and Kabu. Next was Allister, and you were absolutely pumped!

You approached the gym stadium after quickly stopping at your house for a small bite to eat. You went inside and was met with lots of ghost types just wandering around aimlessly. You changed into your challenger uniform, the number 'XXX' printed on the back of the shirt and on the front left leg of your shorts.

You felt confident when the staff let you walk in, but the confidence dropped immediately when you saw what the challenge was. It was a spinny teacup ride. Dizziness was not your strong suit. Ah well. The things I do to battle my crush. Your cheeks go mildly pink when you admit the fact in your head.

When you finish the challenge, you feel like you almost want to throw up. But not yet. You had the fight with Allister to do next and nothing would stop you. You walk through the tunnel and stare at the pitch. You're almost certain you can see Allister in the opposite tunnel.

You both walk out into the pitch and meet up with each other in the middle of the stadium. He had a weird aura around him. ".. hello Y/n." He says before he turns around. As he's walking behind him he says, "here I go.."

You and he stop again and he readies his first poke ball. Your pokemon are both released from their balls and the battle between you and Gym Leader Allister begins.

Allister sends out his level 34 Yamask as you send out your level 33 Pupitar, Tarp. Allister's pokemon is just faster than yours, so he gets the first turn in. "Yamask.. use Brutal Swing.." The move doesn't do too much damage to Tarp, and he recounters swiftly with the move Bite. It lowers the Yamask's HP to below half. Just one more move. "Yamask, use disable." Allister says and Yamask disables Tarp's Bite. Shucks. "Pupitar use Earthquake!" Tarp stomps the ground harshly under Yamask, fainting the ghost and ground type pokemon. You silently praise Tarp in your head, as Allister sends out his next pokemon, is level 34 Mimikyu. You guess you cant use your dark type moves on this one, because Mimikyu from your memory is ghost and fairy type.

"Mimikyu, use Shadow Sneak.." Mimikyu sneaks under the ground and attacks Tarp with a weak ghost type move, but still strong enough to faint him. You take Tarp back in and praise him for his good efforts. You decide to send out your level 34 Amaura, Grace out next. "Amaura, use Aurora Beam!" Grace shoots a huge colorful beam at Mimikyu, which just survives under it. Mimikyu retaliates with Slash, but it wasn't very effective since Grace was rock and ice. Grace attacks once more with Aurora Beam, defeating the Mimikyu. Allister sends out his second last pokemon, his level 35 Galarian Cursola.

"Cursola, use Ancient Power." Cursola fires a bunch of hardened fossils at Grace, which is super effective against her ice type, and faints her. You send out your next pokemon, a level 33 Floette. "Floette, use Vine Whip!" Phoebe lowers Cursola's health down to almost nothing, ready for you to finish it off with one last move. "Cursola, use Hex.." Cursola uses the ghost type move on Phoebe, also whittling her health down to almost nothing. It was now up to the pokemon who could move first, you guessed. "Floette, use Magical Leaf!" Phoebe gets the first turn in and faints Cursola, leaving Allister for his last pokemon. He sends out his level 36 Gengar, looking very menacing at you.

A Ghostly LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant