Începe de la început

Tears welled up in Seraphina's eyes as she reminisced about that simpler time, a time when their dreams were untainted by the complexities of the world.

She had once been swept away by the idea of standing by Coriolanus's side, but the passage of time had unveiled a reality that left her heartbroken.

Now, as the Capitol celebrated, she grappled with a mixture of emotions—anger at Coriolanus for his recklessness, jealousy of the love he so openly displayed for Lucy Gray, and a profound sadness for the shattered dreams of two children who had once believed they could shape the future together.

The balcony, witness to the evolution of their relationship, now held the weight of memories that seemed both beautiful and painful.

The glow of the fireworks reflected in Seraphina's tear-filled eyes, casting shadows on the contours of her face as she confronted the stark contrast between the past and the present.

"Ms. Aveline, Your parents have arrived. And your mother wants you down for dinner." One of the older staff knocked on Seraphina's door.

The Aveline heir wiped the tears that were streaking down her face and headed out the door with her head held up high as always.

The Aveline Mansion's dining room was an opulent space, adorned with lavish decorations and bathed in the warm glow of chandeliers.

Seraphina sat at the elegant dinner table, her thoughts still swirling from the emotional turmoil of the night's events. Abraxas, a distinguished figure with a commanding presence, and Seraphina's mother, Selene joined her at the table.

"Seraphina, my dear," Abraxas began, his tone filled with both pride and concern, "congratulations on making it to the top five at the Hunger Games. It's a remarkable achievement, and your mother and I are incredibly proud of you."

Seraphina nodded, managing a faint smile, her eyes betraying the weight of the emotions she carried.

The mention of her performance in the Games was a bittersweet reminder of the events that had unfolded.

"Thank you, Father," she replied, her voice measured.

"It was a challenging experience, but I'm grateful for your support."

As the servants served the first course, the conversation shifted, and Abraxas lowered his voice, leaning slightly towards Seraphina.

"I've heard some interesting news today. Word from my contacts in the Academy suggests that Coriolanus Snow is being sent to train as a Peacekeeper in District 8. Quite an unexpected turn, wouldn't you say? What did he do, my dear?"

Seraphina's heart skipped a beat.

The weight of the revelation sank into her core. Coriolanus, the charismatic and ambitious young man she had known, was now marked for a fate that reeked of punishment and disgrace.

A shiver ran down her spine as she considered the implications.

The Dean must have uncovered the truth— Coriolanus had cheated during the Hunger Games to ensure Lucy Gray's victory.

The punishment was swift and severe, banishing him from the glittering halls of the Academy to the harsh realities of the districts as a Peacekeeper.

She maintained her composure, though, and feigned surprise. "Coryo as a Peacekeeper? That is surprising, indeed. I had no idea about this."

Abraxas raised an eyebrow, studying his daughter closely. "Curious, isn't it? Nobody seems to know why. I thought, given your close association with Coriolanus, you might have some insight."

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