Chapter 22: Moral?

Start from the beginning

"you liked it all, right?" veronica asks while looking me in the eye.

i hesitantly nodded a little bit and whispered 'yeah'.

"im sorry i had to go last night" her fingernails scraped softly against the back of my neck making a shiver go down my spine. "you're so cute" that was added with a grin.

"careful, im still your boss" i warned playfully.

"my boss that i had whining and begging to cum last night. yeah definitely" she snickered.

i blushed like crazy and looked away.

"shut up we're not talking about that" im so embarrassed.

out of all the women ive fucked i have always been the one on top; never letting myself fall too deep into pleasure that i begged.

but one night with veronica— one week of not touching and i was acting like a sex-crazed person.

i looked at veronica and she looked back at me challengingly, raising her eyebrow even as if saying dont test me.

i held eye contact defiantly but ultimately glanced away to my papers on the desk and chewed at my bottom lip.

"when can i fuck you babe?" veronica asked so normally the words barely even registered in my brain til they actually did.

i gasped and quickly looked at her.

"what?" my jaw dropped.

why'd she ask like she was asking if i wanted lunch?

"you said i could" she looked confused herself.

"what? when?" my nose crinkled in confusion as i searched her eyes.

veronica laughed one of disbelief then stopped to look at me then started again.

"you really dont remember?"


a knock on the door distracted us from the conversation. veronica quickly removed herself from my lap and to a safe distance beside me so it wouldnt look like anything.

i wanted to say something but there was another knock. i finally told them to come in.

jacob from the next office over peaked his big head into the room doing a quick glance around before his eyes settled on veronica's.

"ms.mayfield someone by the name of eva green is requesting you" he then looked at me, "good afternoon boss" i nod in acknowledgement.

my girlfriend cleared her throat, "appoint her to my office please. i'll be there in a moment"

he nodded and shut the door.

"eva green?" i questioned.

"my best friend" she said curtly, "we'll finish that conversation later" 


"later" she hissed and walked away. i huffed in dismay watching as the door shut.

i said she could peg me?! what the fuck!

i dropped my face into my hands and groaned loudly. i need a drink.


"you said she could what" yeoji laughed at me making my eyes roll.

yeoji was one of my best friends. we've barely spoken though because shes been busy with her starter up company that i helped with funding in.

she texted me over an hour ago requesting to hang out.

it was perfect for me as i had been sitting in my office trying to bury myself into work to not think about the conversation with veronica.

it still turned into it when yeoji asked me about my life, i just had to vent.

"nothing's funny" i grumbled and threw back my shot.

i slammed it down on the bar counter and squeezed my eyes shut for a moment.

"its not that serious. just go for it" i looked yeoji as if she was crazy.

she must have seemed to be.

her double eyelided eyes blinked innocently at me as if she didnt just purpose the most absurd thing.


"your spinning out. theres no need to" turning so that she was directly facing me, i did the same not even bothering to look at the bartender when they took my shot glass away. "why dont you really want to do it?"

"i- 'cause- um.. im always on top" after spluttering that was all i could come out with.

yeoji rolled her eyes at me as if i was being ridiculous and made a sound of disagreement.

"you like her maven. i can tell. just go for it, dont hold yourself back over some.. moral? that you have to be top. do you think that because you have a dick?"

"yeoji!" i hissed and glanced around but no one was even remotely focused on us. "no its not because of that"

"then stop whining! you want her go get her!"

"fine" i huffed.

"americans.. so stubborn" she tsks and sips from her soda.

"technically your american too"

yeoji and her mother came here from korea when she was ten, shes the same age as me now.

her father stayed back preferring to care for his company than be with his wife and daughter.

she never speaks of him much but i assume its because its too painful too.

"no" she briskly denied as if offended.




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