Chapter 6

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Walking into a bar with Cristina and George, people started cheering "all hail he champ! So my guy Alex finally got what was comin' to him?"

"George knocked him down with one punch, you should've seen it" Cristina said taking a seat next to her sister

"I don't wanna talk about it" George tell the bar, sitting to the other side of Anna

"Brag, champ, brag you've earned it" Joe tells him

"Let's play a game of who life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win" Meredith addresses them

Cristina shakes her head "well, you don't wanna play with me"

"Oh I do" Meredith challenged "I'll even go first.. Derek's married"

The three woman turn to look at George, who did a spit take, choking on his beer. "George, beer is dripping from you nostrils"

"Told you I'd win"

"I don't know mer..." Anna laughs, already knowing Cristina's problem

"Yeah, no. You didn't win"

"Did you guys even her me?" Meredith questioned "I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. Nothing you could say could top that."

"I'm pregnant" Cristina said looking at Meredith "I win"

There was a moment of silence, then suddenly, there was a groan and a crash behind them "I think Joe won" Anna said looking at the scene behind them

They rush to the floor to assist Joe, Anna calling an ambulance. A moment later he wake, trying to sit up against everyone's protests "you called gurney patrol"

"Just sit. We gotta get you to the hospital and run some tests" Anna tells him

"Test? No. I don't need any test?" Joe protests "I'm fine"

"Dude, you collapsed on the floor. This is your bar. You know how filthy this floor is" Cristina reminded him

"Almost repulsive, even" Anna says "radial pulse is strong"

"Minor skull concussion"

"You're sleeping with someone?" Meredith asks, and they continue to try to look at Joe

"What? Who?" George asked confused

"Haha wait till you find out who it is" Anna said, earning an elbow from her sister

"Why is that such a shock? Even George managed to get some action" Cristina look slightly offended

"No, he got syphilis" Anna tells

"How could I not know you were sleeping with someone?" Meredith asked, turning to Anna "did you know?"

"Forget this" Joe exclaimed "the hospital is right across the street. I can sure as hell walk across the street by myself" he said getting up  leaving the bar, George rushing after him


Anna stood next to George as Izzie questioned why she was here "it's your night off, why are you here?"

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