Misc: Three Kingdoms

Start from the beginning

Finally, the destination opened up before them. The cavern was small but at least they had room to stretch. They took a second to steel themselves before the final act.

"Initiate program Last Love."

Their mech expanded until it encompassed the pocket in the trash pile, filling in any holes where oxygen could escape. Their breath left a visible wisp of steam as the temperature rapidly started dropping. Soon, it will be just right for cryostasis.

It was scary, to go through the same process as they had several years back. But this time, someone would be there to wake them up. They wouldn't be trapped for decades. They wouldn't return to an unrecognizable Earthbread.

Strawberry Crepe looked around for a nice place to rest. At the very back of the pocket, there was a large rock, cleaved in two. It looked nice and snug. They settled under the rock tent and waited for the paradoxical warmth to set in.

Their mind wandered to Black Raisin and her village, then to the other cookies of darkness, who had left for the other kingdoms, and settled Pure Vanilla, still in the castle far above the them.

"Be quick, your majesty..."

2. The Hollyberry Kingdom

Just a little rebellion is fine...

Since so many of the other cookies of darkness scattered, Red Velvet could only walk the trail they blazed. Considering everything that Pomegranate had said when he had shown up, wet and sniveling and waiting for someone to bring him back to the castle, interfering in their departure would be overstepping. It was not his place to determine others' dreams for them. Yet, the niggling voice at the back of his conscious, the young boy within the cage, protested. This was not beneficial to his survival.

By allowing everyone else to leave without resistance, some of the burden of their traitorous actions was placed on his shoulders. As "loyal" supporters, Pomegranate and he will face repercussions of their desertion. His mother will be undoubtedly furious and Red Velvet does not want to be privy to her rage. Not after he had seen Pure Vanilla's wounds.

Cookiekind was the enemy, and Red Velvet was the general of the Dark Enchantress...but Pure Vanilla fell outside those designations. The lines between predator and prey, friend and enemy, had been blurred. And despite his attempts at denial, Red Velvet was afraid. So, when everyone else bailed, so did he.

This was not a betrayal, just a...strategic retreat. He would wait for the Dark Enchantress to cool down before returning and showing her that he was still devoted. Time, of which he had plenty, could be used to concoct an excuse for his absence.

He rode the dog that Pure Vanilla and Dark Choco had stolen from him back to platters in the desert. Thankfully, the hound listened and allowed him on its back without question- its former disobedience was just a minor disagreement, of which his hounds made their judgment not to obey. His riding dog, with its massive and powerful legs, carried him through the forest soil and shifting sands so quickly that they practically flew over the land.

Upon arriving at his base, he emptied the last of the tower's food stores, packing it all into precariously balanced gear attached to the largest and most enduring of his troops. Then he howled, calling every single hound within the premises to gather. Cakes slunk from the corners and crevices, a massive pack forming around the general.

They had grown from their first baking. Young adults, large and small, heard the rallying cry and congregated under the tower, where Red Velvet awaited them. With a novel maturity that came with age, they could understand that the strange half-breed was more intelligent, strong, and wanted the best for them. Thus, it was in their interest to serve him and be protected in return.

Lily FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now