Just the 3 of Us (Reiner x Berthold x Annie)

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Reiner sat across the table at Starbucks from young woman, her ice blue eyes staring intently at him.

"So your down to do this then?"

She took a sip of her latte, "You know me Reiner, I'm all about expanding my sexual
experiences, plus your boyfriend is hot"

Reiner couldn't help but blush a bit at the last comment. He couldn't deny it Bertholdt was quite the catch.

"Great, the party is this Saturday night at 7 at the house"

"I'll see ya then" she said with a wink and got up to leave.

"28 years old Bertholdt, starting to get old" Porco teased.

"Well you know what they say a good wine only gets better with age" Bertholdt answered with a laugh. "Besides your turning 28 next year so..."

"Ugh don't remind me"

"Oh Pocky I still love you even when you become an old man"  Porco's girlfriend said sidling up to him.

Porco gave her a kiss on the cheek. Pieck then turned to Bertholdt. "So what else did Reiner get you for your birthday?"

"Well he said he had a surprise later on tonight but won't tell me. But I hope didn't spend too much money on me, he already did a lot for Christmas and my other birthday presents."

"You would think your birthday being so close to Christmas would mean double presents" Porco said.

Bertholdt laughed. "I think most kids think that, but most people just combined my Christmas and birthday gifts."

"Well you'll have to tell me what the surprises you with" Pieck said.

Reiner and Bertholdt finished taking out the rest of the trash from the party.

Bertholdt kissed him on the the cheek. "Thank you for the fantastic party love, and a great birthday love."

"Well" Reiner said with a sly grin. "You know my philosophy, your birthday isn't over until
you to to sleep."

Bertholdt stretched his arms, and looked at his new watch. "It's almost one in the morning, I think I might be going to sleep pretty soon."

"Well don't forget, you still have one present left."

Bertholdt laughed, "unless it's an espresso machine I don't know how much longer I can last"

"Well we will see about that" Reiner said. Bertholdt take note in the seductive tone in his voice.

The two finally made it to their bedroom and before Bertholdt could open the door Reiner cover his eyes.

Bertholdt let out a soft laugh, "what is this Reiner?"

He felt a tingle go down his spine and he felt Reiner's hot breath on his neck.

"Are you ready for your final birthday present?" He asked in a husky voice.

Feeling for the door, he turned the knob.

Reiner guided him into their bedroom, taking his hands away from his boyfriend's eyes.

There stood their friend Annie Leonhart. Wearing nothing but a pair black lace underwear and a giant red bow on her head.

"Happy Birthday Bertholdt" Reiner and Annie said in unison.

*************one year prior**************

"A threesome?" Reiner asked. "I didn't take you for a freak in the sheets kinda guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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