Happy Birthday (Connie x Sasha): Boudior

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Sasha Blaus was at a loss, she had been from store to store, spent hours online, but she couldn't seem to find the right gift for Connie.

It was his 25th birthday and it was kinda of a big deal.

"I mean he's half way to 30" Sasha thought. But nothing jumped out at her.

"I'm at lost Mikasa I don't know what to get him"

"I'm mean your flying his family in right for his surprise party right, and some of his high school buddies"

"Well that's more of a gift from my entire family."

"Still throwing him a party though" Mikasa said taking a sip of her Chardonnay.

"Well I-"

The door to Mikasa's apartment opened as Historia made her way pinside.

"My two favorite ladies" she said taking her shoes off. "Ugh my feet are killing me...Sasha I don't see how you work 12 hours shifts"

Sasha laughed. "I wear Dr. Soles and non slip sneakers"

"Business casual sucks" Historia whined.

"Your usual?" Mikasa asked getting out another whine glass.

"Yes please"

"Also, I work in an office and just wear flats." Mikasa said pouring the Merlot for Historia.

"Ok but your not five foot two"

Mikasa playfully rolled her eyes handing Historia her wine.

"So where's the wife tonight?" Sasha asked, trying to decide what cube of cheese she wanted to eat next.

"She went out with her coworkers tonight, like a team bonding thing. Where are thing one and two?"

"Eren went out for wings with Armin"

"Connie is covering the local high school football game tonight."

"Speaking of Connie" Historia picked up a piece of salami of the cheese board. "How's the party planning going?"

"Fine, except I can't figure out what to get him..."

"I mean it's just his 25th" Historia said with a shrug.

"25 is a big deal, you can rent a car and..." Sasha was struggled to find more reasons.

"It is halfway to 30" Mikasa pointed out.

Historia took a big gulp of her wine, the wheels turning in her head.

"Doesn't one of his friends work for the Texas Rangers...could get him a signed bat or something" Mikasa suggested.

"Said friend already did that"

Historia suddenly clapped her hands together. "I got it!"

The two other girls looked at her.

"You could do a boudoir shoot!"

"A what?" Sasha gave her a confused look.

"You know like a sexy photo shoot. You wear some lingerie, make up, hair...it's so fun!"

"You speak from experience?" Mikasa asked.

"So before Ymir and I got married as a little pre-wedding gift I did a  boudoir shoot and made a sexy little photo album...she loved it...I still break out some of the lingerie sets sometimes" she said with a giggle.

Sasha picked up another piece of cheese and a cracker. "I dunno Historia...I don't think I'd look very good..."

Sasha had always been self conscious about her looks. She had been the tall, athletic girl in middle school and high school. She was more of a tom boy and that didn't make her a hit with the boys.

"Oh come on Sasha...you are gorgeous and have a killer bod" Historia gushed. "You will look amazing especially in black!"

Mikasa nodded in agreement. "Sasha you're incredibly beautiful, and I know Connie would love it"

"I don't even know where I would buy lingerie..."

"I'll take care of that" Mikasa said. "There's a little boutique I go to"

"Um what if it's super expensive..."

Historia waved the thought away. "I'll cover it! I can get you in with the girl who did my shoot"

"Historia I can't let you pay for it..."

"Nonsense what's the point of having a high paying job if I can't treat my friends occasionally, plus I can do your hair and make up!"

"Well I guess I could..."

"Perfect, I'm texting her right now!" Historia said brightly as her fingers moved at lighting speed.

Sasha still wasn't super confident about posing in lingerie, and popped another cube of cheese in her mouth to calm her bow growing nerves.

"Ok as long as snacks are provided, I'm in"

To be continued

*it won't let me take off the picture of Kirito for some reason

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