"We don't mind, we actually wanted to know how you two met for a while"

".... It all started in Aurora, where I lived with my parents, sister, brother in law and niece.... I was around twenty two years old."

•{16 months ago}•

I felt an elbow poke into my side as my sister stood by my side giggling quietly, she was smiling to herself as I just shook my head and leant against the counter.

"Table in the corner has been staring at you for the past hour, i think you have an admirer"

She quickly nodded her head past me towards the table she was talking about, I turned around and jumped up to sit on the counter to look around the busy room.

I glanced over at the corner and saw someone staring in my direction, the man sitting in the corner looked scruffy and dirty as I slowly turned to look back at my sister in disgust.

"Really? The ugly guy with the eyepatch? What the hell sua-"

"Other corner, the one to your right now, dumbass. You'll see"

"I don't want to, what if they're

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that."

I shook my head slowly and looked away from her to see who she was actually talking about. Off to the right of where we were was another group of pirates sitting in the corner.

"Which? Theres five at the table?"

"Black fur coat with the patch and silver hair."

She was right.

The man sitting on the end of the table had dark grey hair, his eyes were lined with a black liner and he wore a long black fur coat with a small patch on the arm.

"Oh my god"

I quickly turned my head back to look at her after spotting the man she was talking about.

I stared at her for a minute or two with wide eyes as she stood there giggling like a child.

"Nice, right?"

It was quiet for a moment between us before I slowly nodded my head, the smile on her face grew wider as I covered my face with my hands before quietly speaking..

"Oh god, what is wrong with us!"

She shrugged her shoulders with a laugh before speaking.

"Us? I'm finding the perfect man for you, mister! I'm a married woman!"

"Keep your voice down!.... mum and dad dont know about... that yet!"

She raised her hands in defeat before turning to walk back behind the counter, leaving me to sit in silence.

I couldn't concentrate well from that point on...

I was very distracted by the presence of the man sitting in the corner of the room with the small group...

It wasn't the first time I had something like this happen, it had happened a few times before with my sister and I, even her husband.

Mostly it was just people watching us as we walked around doing little things, anything from clearing the tables to just standing talking to each other, there they would stare like they had seen a siren.

Sometimes it was quite funny to watch them, when they kept their distance and kept to themselves we didn't really care....

They were like cartoon characters with their wide eyes whenever they looked at us, it was quite amusing...

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