The afternoon wore on, the sun beginning to dip behind the mountains, casting long shadows on the snow. The group decided to head back to the cabin, their spirits high from the day's adventures. Ava trailed behind, her mind heavy with unspoken concerns.

Back at the cabin, as everyone settled into the comfort of the warm interior, Ava saw an opportunity to spend some alone time with Ethan. She approached him, hoping to rekindle their connection.

"Ethan, do you want to go for a walk? Just the two of us?" Ava suggested, her voice hopeful.

Ethan, about to respond, was interrupted by Violet. "Ethan, could you help me with my ski boots? They're really stuck," Violet called out from across the room, her tone suggesting more than a simple request for assistance.

Ethan, caught in a moment of hesitation, finally nodded at Ava. "Sure, a walk sounds nice. Give me just a second to help Vi."

Ava watched as Ethan went over to help Violet, her heart sinking a little more with each passing moment. The brief interaction between them seemed unnecessarily prolonged, with Violet laughing softly at something Ethan said.

After a few minutes, Ethan returned to Ava. "Okay, let's go for that walk," he said, though Ava could sense his distraction.

As they stepped outside, the crisp mountain air felt refreshing. Ava tried to initiate conversation. "The scenery here is breathtaking, isn't it?"

"It is," Ethan agreed, but his attention was short-lived. His phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen. It was Violet again, this time asking if he had seen her gloves.

Ethan sighed. "I need to check on this, babe. Vi's asking about her gloves. Be right back," he said, already heading back to the cabin.

Ava stood there, a mix of frustration and sadness washing over her. She waited for Ethan, but when he returned, it was with news of another request from Violet.

"Vi's feeling a bit cold. She's asking if I could make her some hot tea. You know how she's always been sensitive to the cold," Ethan explained, almost apologetically.

Ava tried to mask her disappointment. "Sure, go ahead. I'll wait here."

Inside, as Ethan attended to Violet, Ava's friends noticed the dynamic. Tony leaned in to Ava, "Is everything okay, Ava? You seem a bit off."

Ava forced a smile. "Just tired, I guess."

As the evening progressed, Ava's attempts to connect with Ethan were continually interrupted by Violet's calls for his attention. With each interruption, Ava felt more like an outsider, watching as the bond she once shared with Ethan seemed to slip further away. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the continuous interactions between Ethan and Violet, Ava needed a moment to herself. She quietly slipped out to the patio, seeking solace in the serene wintry landscape outside. The patio, blanketed in soft white snow and surrounded by towering pines, offered a peaceful retreat from the cabin's bustling atmosphere.

Standing there, Ava wrapped her hands around a warm cup of hot cocoa, the steam gently rising into the cold air. The quiet beauty of the snow-covered surroundings brought a sense of calm, momentarily easing the sadness in her heart. Ava had always loved winter, the way the snow seemed to cover the world in a blanket of purity and quiet.

As she sipped her cocoa, the tranquility of the scene allowed her to reflect. The snowflakes gently falling from the sky reminded her of the fleeting nature of moments and feelings. She thought about her relationship with Ethan, how it used to be warm and comforting like her drink, but now felt as cold as the air around her.

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