☆~Happy New Year!~☆

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This is a special chapter is a New year chapter!
because we have new year. :)
Hace Fun with this chapter. <3

~Pov Melt~
Wow I can't Believe in a few hours it's a new year! :)
Kana and I had the idea of ​​buying firecrackers and then using them. Akane and Aqua were a bit against it, but we'll convince them!

I thought and jumped onto my bed excitedly.

We'll meet in front of a shop, I'd better get going now.

I jumped down from my bed and landed safely on the floor. I took my bag and my Phone, I went to the front door.
I opened the door and put on my shoes.

„Bye Mom!" I said to my mother, „Bye Melt, be careful!" My mother mentioned it.
„Yeah mom i will." I assured her before closing the door.


I walk down the street.

Luckily the shop where we want to meet is not far from my house!

I thought to myself.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆☆⋆ ─────<.•*:。✩

~Pov Aqua~
I waited for Melt with kana and akane.

„Uh? Why he needs so long!" Kana complained, Akane tried to calm her down and i just watched.

„Oh hey guys! Sorry that you had to wait."

I heard a familiar voice and turned to see the familiar purple hair and golden brown eyes.

It was Melt. (Of course, who else? Lol)

Kana and Akane also turned around now.

Kana went to Melt and kicked him in the leg.
Ohh, that looked painful... :0
I thought.

„Melt, You're late! Next time you'll come on time!" Kana scolded, „Sorry! Next time I'll be there on time!" Melt assured Kana.

Kana and Melt went to us.

„Hey Melt.", „Hey." Akane and I greeted Melt back, Melt just smiled.

„Come on, let's go into the store now!" Melt said, We all nodded and we went into the store.


When we went into the store we started looking for the fireworks.

I haven't used fireworks since Ai's death...✶

I see no reason to celebrate the New Year... It's always just another year where I fail to kill Hikaru Kamiki...

I sighed and thought to myself.

„We finally found the firecrackers!" Melt screamed in excitement and gave Kana a high five.

I don't know why, but I loved Melt's silly personality.

I thought and smiled slightly.

„I'll pay the firecrackers because I was late." Melt said, „Yes, do the Melt, good idea!" Kana agreed with Melt's idea.

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