Chapter 22: Not so Delirious

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We got home and the guys all went and did their own thing. I went into my room and grabbed some dry clothes and a towel and went to the bath room to shower. I locked the door and started stripping my clothes off and put my towel on the hook outside the the shower curtains. I stepped in and turned the water on. The mud and dirt ran down my body and into the drain.

I started washing my hair when someone knocked on the door. I could hear a faint voice. "Hurry up I need to shower." Evan said. "Too late I'm already showering." I said back to him. I hear the door handle move then I hear it open and shut again. I thought I locked it. I pulled the curtain back far enough so evan could see my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him as he stood looking in the mirror with only a towel wrapped around him. "Looking at my self in the mirror." He said flexing his arms. "I ment what are you doing in the bath room." I said. "Well I wasn't going to stand outside in only a towel." He said. "And how did you open the door?" I asked. "I've got my ways." He said.

I went back to washing the soap out of my hair when evan started talking again. "So how much longer till you're done?" He asked not being able to wait. "I'm almost done." I said rinsing my hair. I turned the water off and grabbed the towel off the hook and wrapped it around me. I opened the curtains only to see evan still looking in the mirror. What's up with guys and mirrors? I went to grab my clothes, but evan stepped in front of me. "Is there a problem?" He asked with a smirk. "" I said pushing him out of the way.

I grabbed my clothes and went to grab the door handle until evan stopped me by grabby my wrist. "What is it now?" I wined. He pulled me back to him where he hugged me. This was the one way I didn't want to get hugged. "Thanks for letting me win." He said hugging me tighter as if he was putting me into a head lock. My hands stayed on my towel trying to keep it from falling. "Okay evan you can let go now....I don't like hugging people naked actually don't like hugging people at all." I said trying to push him off me. "So you have the balls to kick my ass, but not to hug me." He said letting go of me. "Exactly." I said opening the door and shutting it behind me. I went into my room and started getting dressed. I put on black sweat pants and a green shirt and went back out my door.

I walked into the living room and the guys were playing some random game on Xbox. "Wanna play." Lui asked me. "Nah I'll just watch." I said taking a seat on a chair beside the couch where all the guys were gathered. I looked over at delirious where he was sitting on a chair as well, but on the other side of the couch. My head was resting on my hand and was looking at delirious. He didn't seem to be his normal delirious self he seemed more quiet.

I was interrupted when the guys burst with excitement because moo beat mini at the game they were playing. "Son of a bitch." Mini yelled falling back onto the couch. "My turn!" Terroriser said taking the controller from mini and began the next round. "Dinner is done!" Nogla yelled and everyone went into the kitchen.

I filled up my plate and went to my seat. The whole time delirious didn't talk or even eat. The guys were talking about getting a pet well mostly nogla. "Come one evan please?!" Nogla begged. "Didn't you hear me the first time. No!" Evan said. "But I'll take care of it." Nogla said. "I don't care if you gave him a kingdom and called him your king and you are his slave you still wouldn't get him food and other shit everyday!" Evan said putting his foot down.

Nogla put his head down in shame and defeat. "Nice try nogla." Terroriser said patting him on the back. "How's your lip?" Lui asked me. "Oh its swollen, but doesn't hurt as much as my hand." I said looking at it. My knuckles were red and had cuts on them. "Well you shouldn't punch the ground." Moo said. "Its not my fault evan moved out of the way of my fist." I said. "Hey! I have to protect my bread and butter some how." He said stroking his face.

"Well you didn't do a good job." Wildcat said referring to the cut above his eye brow and bruise on his cheek. "You try fighting that! She fuckin strikes as fast as a snake." Evan said jestering towards me. "I'm good." Wildcat said. "*Cough cough* pussy *cough cough*." Marcel said and the guys laughed. "Like you can pin her down marcel. You can barely look at her with out getting a nose bleed." Wildcat said as I gag on my drink trying not to laugh. I got tea on my chin and driped down on my shirt. The guys just sat there and laughed at me as I joined them. "I *cough* think I have tea in my "cough" lungs!" I said and continued to laugh/cough and so did the guys. "If I were you I would stop huffing your tea because you obviously can't get a buzz from it." Mini said. "I wasn't trying to." I said with a scratchy voice and coughed again. "Alright guys start cleaning up its almost ten." Evan said getting up.

Everyone put their plates into the sink and went off to their rooms. I was last and walked into the hall way where marcel and lui were talking and wildcat and mini were waiting to use the bathroom. Why must all the guys wear boxers to bed? Can't they wear pants. I got an idea to prank marcel I walked over to wildcat and mini.

"Hey, guys watch this." I whispered to them with a crooked smile on my face. I walked over to marcel where him and lui were talking. He looked at me with wide eyes. I got closer to him and held his face with my hand and winked at him with a smile. "AAHHH!!" He screamed and went back into his room shutting the door. I started laughing and I turned around to see wildcat and mini were dieing on the floor and lui started laughing as well.

Brock came out the bathroom door to see all of us on the floor laughing. "What did I miss?" He said looking at us weird. "Marcel screaming because tomboy winked at him." Lui said getting up. "Damnit." Moo said in disappointment. "God my chest hurts." I said still laughing. "Well if you stopped huffing tea then it wouldn't hurt." Wildcat said laughing. "I don't huff tea." I said playfully.

"Alright guys that's enough shenanigans." Evan said coming out of his bedroom. "Come on evan don't be a party crasher." I said heading towards my room. "What was that?" He asked with a raised brow and foulded arms. "I said your boxers look nice." I said and shut the door to my room. I went over to my bed and sat down on it. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I laid down and turned my lamp off beside my bed. The guys actually aren't that bad, but something is up with delirious it must be from earlier today. He'll be fine. I got comfy and pulled my blanks up and went to sleep.

------couple of hours later-------

I woke up in the middle of the night to see someone sitting on a chair a ways from my bed. There was light coming in through my window from the moon, but I couldn't see his face. He was shirtless tho. I reached under my pillow and grabbed my knife. "Who's there." I asked sitting up on my bed. "I'm sorry tomboy." I heard the man say back to me. "Delirious?"

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