06 | she didn't

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01X03☮︎ The Cole Effect ☮︎

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☮︎ The Cole Effect ☮︎

Lilah glanced down at her phone anxiously, drowning out the cheers of excited parents. She sighed at Cole's lack of communication, knowing he wasn't home last night, and now had failed in his promise of being at Parker's game. The girl herself was playing brilliantly, but Lilah watched helplessly as Parker's eyes lost hope every time she glanced at the stands, her brother's absence glaringly obvious.

Meanwhile Lilah felt like falling asleep then and there - Cole's bed felt cold and empty without him, it was only now that she realised how much better she slept when she was with him. However, knowing that he spent his night with Erin left a lingering sadness in her heart.

They returned to the Walter residence after the game, Parker animatedly recounting the events from her point of view. The girls halted on the porch, Parker insisting on waiting there for Cole to return.

Finally, he appeared, instantly facing the younger girl's anger. Lilah watched on in disappointment as Parker threw the jersey on the floor, storming past her as she leaned against the front door.

"I'm sorry, Lilah." Cole muttered, hating the way her disappointment affected him. Lilah sighed, knowing Parker's outburst was punishment enough.

"It's okay." She approached the boy, leaning onto her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck. "You need to make it up to her, though."

"I know."


The next morning, reality had returned to the Walter household. Katherine was bustling around the kitchen while the boys perked up with different information, the common theme being missing dinner that night. Jackie entered the room quietly, receiving a 'good morning' from Katherine.

"Morning, pretty girl." Cole wrapped his arms over the girl's shoulders in greeting as she was finishing up washing some of the breakfast dishes. "You woke up before me."

"Wanted to watch the sunrise." Lilah grinned up at him. "Didn't think you'd appreciate a 5am wake up call."

"I would've if I knew you wanted to." Cole smiled sweetly as he stepped away from her, beginning to prepare his own breakfast. Lilah only returned his smile.

"Parker, could you pass me a mug, please?" Lilah called as she made herself some coffee.

The girl complied, reaching across the sink to grab one when her hockey stick accidentally knocked Jackie's teapot into the sink. The fragile trinket smashed on impact, causing a silence to fill the room.

 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎  ↳ Cole Walter Where stories live. Discover now