02 | wanna fuck?

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01X01 ☮︎ Welcome to Colorado ☮︎

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☮︎ Welcome to Colorado ☮︎

"Fuck, that's a lot of boxes." Were Lilah's exact words as Cole opened the door to the barn.

"Who even owns this much stuff?" Cole questioned rhetorically as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Jackie, clearly." Lilah grinned cheekily as Cole rolled his eyes at her dumb joke. "I wish you hadn't agreed to this."

"First, you signed us up for this. Second, let's just not. We can do something else." The boy suggested, glancing back at the girl with hopeful eyes, almost begging her to agree. "Wanna fuck?"

"Cole Walter!" Lilah gasped, whacking the boy harshly on the head like an unimpressed mother. "You're with Erin. You shouldn't do that to her."

"Am I?" Cole whispered to himself in confusion. "I thought we were off again."

Lilah shook her head in disgust. He was her best friend, of course, but the way he played with girl's feelings, especially Erin's, was cruel. Although she couldn't deny the small, minuscule part of her that she constantly forced down that yearned for Cole's attention in that way. Little did she know, she had all his attention, in every way possible - it was simply fear holding them back. His fear of rejection, her fear of ruining their friendship.

The girl swiftly grabbed one of the boxes off the mountain that had formed and stormed away towards the house. Cole sighed, knowing he had now fucked up. He wished he and Erin weren't together (completely, not just in an off period) and he wished it was his Lilah he could kiss at school, take on dates, hold hands with. He wished it was that simple. If only he realised how simple it was.

"I'm sorry! It was just a joke, Li!" He called, following her lead as he grabbed another box and hurried after her - as fast as his leg would permit.

"Here you go, Jackie." Lilah painted on a large smile as she carefully placed the box on the bed.

Cole followed quickly behind her, dropping the box harshly on the floor. Jackie stared at him, unimpressed, as Will rolled his eyes at his brother's behaviour,

"Cole!" Lilah exclaimed in surprise, retrieving the box from the floor and placing it next to the first one on the bed. "You could've broken something!"

She gently opened the box, hoping nothing was broken - she didn't want the girl to get off on the wrong foot with the family, especially Cole.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Jackie's voice sounded panicked as she hurried over, yanking the box away from Lilah.

"Making sure nothing was brok-" Lilah explained innocently, her face turning sad at the girl's harsh gesture.

 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎  ↳ Cole Walter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora