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Staring up at the empty sky. Water splashing me. The wet sand below me lets me sink. I sit up, i look down at what i'm wearing. White dress. I'm all wet, my hair, body, dress. I look out into the ocean, black and white is all i see. The ocean looks like it can go out forever. I look out at the sand. Its all sand. Nothing else. I stand up.

"Kins. I didnt protect you."

I look up to my right side. Tom.

"Tom." I breathe. I reach out to touch his face, but my hand moves through him like mist.

"Kins, I'm here with you. Always." Tom's voice echoes.

"Where are we?" I manage to ask, my voice barely audible. His gaze drifts towards the endless sea. "I don't know, Kins. It's like... a place between. A space where everything slows down."

I take a step toward the ocean, the water's touch sending shivers through my soaked dress.

"Kinsley, you have to wake up," Tom whispers, "You can't stay here."

"I don't understand. Wake up from what?" I question, feeling a strange detachment from reality. I turn my whole body towards him.

Tom's eyes hold mine, "From the coma, Kins. You're not supposed to be here. You need to go back."


"Kinsley can you hear me?!" My mums voice echos. I look around to find were the voice is coming from.

"Where am I? Really." I question.

"Wake up kensley." His whispers echos.

Suddenly theres a force pulling me down and a bright white light, the distant sounds of the ocean and Tom's voice fade away, replaced by the persistent beeping of machines. The white light intensifies, pulling me away from this strange place.

I feel a gentle tug, pulling me away from the surreal beach, away from Tom's ethereal presence. The black and white ocean, the endless sand—all of it dissolves into the blinding light.

"Kinsley, can you hear me?" My mum's voice becomes clearer. I find myself in a white, room. The sound of medical equipment surrounds me, replacing the soothing waves. The white dress is replaced by a hospital gown.

"Mum?" I mumble, my eyes adjusting to the brightness.

Relief washes over her face as she leans in, holding my hand. "You're awake, sweetheart. You had us so worried."

I look around, my dad outside of the room with tony and tom. My dad notices me awake and they all rush in the room.

"Kins!" My dad says.

My family surrounds me, their faces filled with a mixture of relief and joy. Tony, my brother, flashes a small smile.

"You scared the hell out of us, Kins." Tony says.

Tom steps forward "I didn't protect you, Kinsley. I should've—"

His words are cut short by my weak interruption.

"You don't have to protect me from everything."

Tom's gaze holds mine, I continue, my voice soft but firm, "I appreciate your concern, Tom, but sometimes things just happen. I don't blame you."

He nods, a weight lifted from his shoulders. My mom squeezes my hand gently.

"You need to rest, sweetheart," she says, brushing a strand of hair from my face.

I nod my head and i close my eyes. I want this to go away, all the pain needs to go away. I need to feel numb again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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