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Yokohama, Main Headquarters of Port Mafia.


The hallway leading up to the Port Mafia's boss' office was dark and foreboding. The walls were made of dark, polished marble, and the floor was cold and hard under his feet. Chuuya is walking alone trought hallway towards PM Boss ofice, since he was ordered to come here for new mision.

-"I am sure that shitty Dazai is late as allways." - he muttered to himself.

Dazai is Dazai, he will never arrive when called by his boss on time.  Chuuya was aware that his partner had no respect for their boss.  The short teenager prefers not to get involved in their complicated relationship.

At the end of the hallway, a set of double doors lead to the boss' office.

-"Here I am." He took deep breath and knocked on door.

-"Come in!" - He heared Dazai's voice Did that walking waste of bandages decided to finaly come on time?

Chuuya opened door and entered office. As allways their Boss was siting on expensive red armchair in the middle of office. Dazai was standing next to him, bandaged as allways.

-"Hello Chuuya-kun, how have you been?." -Mori said as he looked at ginger from his fotel.

-"Mori-san, please come back to main topic." -Dazai says as Mori sighs.

-"Hm. Okey Dazai-kun, but that was a bit mean." -Mori says as he takes a file from table that is placed next to his fotel. He gaves it to Dazai.

-"Yesterday I got another raport about attack on another magasine that belongs to Port Mafia, but that's not as important as what I will tell you now." -Mori continues.

-"My spy reported unauthorized pro hero activities close to Yokohama borders. Third time these month." Their Boss added visibly annoyed.
-"Do you want us to deal with that intruders?" -ginger asked, he wasn't sure what they should do other then beat their ass and send all way back to Tokyo.

-"I have another job for you two, since lower ranked members can easly deal with that intruders, but we need to reach that one who caused it." -the boss began.

-"I want you two to go to school." -Mori said with smirk on his face

Chuuyas face expresion turned into shock, wait what? Why School? What it had with that whole situation?

-"Come one Chibi, your brain will become even smaller from that much thinking. If your hat didn't eated it up yet." -Dazai said with sly smile on his face. He enjoys teasing Chuuya.

-"You-" -Chuuya didn't ended sentence becouse Mori stood up.

-"Enough you two, its not time for fights. And you didn't let me finish sentence." -Mori said annoyed.
With a sigh, Mori shook his head. "Enough of your childish antics, both of you. We have a job to do."

The two mafiosos looked at each other, surprised at the sudden change in tone from their boss. But they fast adapted to situation.

-"Of course, sir. Please continue." -Chuuya cleared his throat, trying to calm down and fight the urge to punch Dazai in his already bandaged face.

Dazai simply noded, not bothering giving their Boss former apology for misbeahaving. But Mori seems to don't care about Dazais behavior.

-"That wan't be ordinary school, but U.A, school for young heros. Now, question for 50 points for Chuuya. Why I am sending you two to that school?" -Mori asked with a bit calmer face expression.

Chuuya thought for a while. If we need to go to school becouse we need to reach the one who caused problems, that means that one who caused problems is connected to that school or easier to reach from it.

-"Is it becouse we can easier reach our suspect from that school?" -short teenager asked, while Mori noded.

That means Chuuya got it right.

At this point, the short teenager noticed that his partner had opened the file his boss had given him a few minutes ago.  He took out a few photos and smiled.  Mori, noticing his smile, said:

-"These are photos from monitoring cameras. I see you already know who is our main problem, Dazai-kun. As excepted from my Demon Priodygy." -Mori added with smile.

Despite Dazais young age, he was known as one of the most talented executives in the Port Mafia. That walking waste of bandages was allways few stpes ahead from everone. He was shitty manipulator, yet good at his job. If only being mafioso can be called a job.

-"That so called Pro Heros are from Mustafu... That's where U.A is located. Do you want us to eliminate them?" -Dazai said as he looked at photos again.

These photos were not of the best quality, as the surveillance cameras recorded the entire incident at night.  However, Dazai recognized one of the unfortunate heroes.  Heroic Name: Hawks.  The brunette recognized him because of its large red wings.  A bit of a bad choice among the participants of such mission, Hawks was too conspicuous with his wings.  Dazai muttered to himself.

-"Number three hero... Intrasting. That may be too boring, I would rather go and throw myself off nice bridge."-Dazai said with cherefull smile.

Mori just sighed.  He usually turned a blind eye to the taller teenager's suicidal tendencies.  As long as they do not cause irreversible damage to his health, the Boss allows him to do what he wants.

-"Boys, I want you two to don't kill them Just be spies for now. Don't let anyone suspect your true identify." -Mori said as he stood up from his fotel and glanced at two teenagers.

-"After some time as students you will be able to go and practice with pro heros from agencies. That way you will be able to come near them without being suspcious." -Mori continued as he walked towards big window on the other side of his office.

Dazai and Chuuya noded, its not like they can delcine Boss' order. But both of them are still sceptic why Mori wants to send Double Black for that mission. Wouldn't it be better for them to stay in Yokohama and get rid of heros if they will come?

-"My order is right. I want you two to be spies in Mustafu, I give you all right do do what you think is neccessery, but you need to keep your cover." -Boss said in calm tone of voice.

-"Understood Boss." -Both teenagers said in same time.

Old man leaned back in his armchair and folded his hands behind his head. He looked at the two young men and gave them a subtle nod, signaling for them to leave his office.

Chuuya and Dazai turned around and and left Moris office. Their boots clacking loudly against the marble floors.


Hallway of Port Mafia Headquarters


As they made their way out of the office and into the long hallway, their footsteps echoed across the space. The sound seemed to fade away as they walked, and the only noise remaining was the sound of their breathing.

-"Soo what's your plan shitty Dazai? -Chuuya said as he looked up at taller brunette.

Dazai only smiled, but his expression seemed fake.

-"Before you came inside, Mori said that he will get fake documents for us. When I will come back to my home I will do resarch and inform you what we will need to do, to get into U.A. as students."

Chuuya looked at his partner suspiciously, he is aware that this Walking waste of bandages knows more than he shows and he will not share his wonderful discoveries with short ginger.  However, why should this surprise him?  Dazai is like that and no one can change that.  This mission is going to be hell, Chuuya muttered to himself as the elevator door closed behind them.

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