clarity ahead

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Mika stood by the ball room exit waiting for Ferrid to return. "Mika." He looked up seeing Ferrid taking Yuichiro out of a pocket. He walked over to Mika who was sprinting over. He quickly scooped Yuichiro up and hugged him. "I was worried." He realized he was a bit wet. "Why are you wet." "He got in a mishap with a vampire. Don't worry. He's fine. I took care of it." Mika walked over hugging Ferrid quickly. "Thank you." "You two should leave though." Mika blinked. "Listen to me. The queen knows the missing seraph is here. If you don't leave. She'll kill you both. No question. One the spell is Reversed on him leave quickly." "What?" "It only last until to night." Mika looked at him confused. "But the demon never told me that." "I have seen the spell before. I have history way farther back tgan you do." Mika nodded. "Lets hurry." Ferrid quickly led the way to the portal. They had to be careful because the queen already sent vampires after them.
"Ferrid are you coming." Mika yelled placing Yuichiro in his pocket. Ferrid had turned from the corner watching for others. He could see lights. "Don't worry just leave. I can handle them. And Mika." Mika blinked as he turned. "Don't come back okay. Yuichiro." Yuichiro looked at him. "Take care of Mika when you get back to normal." They both nodded. The enemy was getting closer. "Leave." Ferrid yelled. Mika hesitated but nodded leaving. Ferrid watched him smiling. "You always made me feel human Mika. Its nice I got to see you smile again before the end." "Ferrid Bathory! Where is the seraph and his vampire comrade." "Gone. No where you'll ever find them." "Do you wish to pay for your treason or get away unscathed." Ferrid only smirked. "I'm not one to give up." He quickly launched himself at the leader quick to have his sword ready. "Suit yourself." The leader sent his sword to hit Ferrids. Ferrid quickly kicked his legs and threw him down Only to be attacked by two more. Taking them down He saw there were more. He sighed. To many to fight off. And he was weak after the first bunch. "Guess it ends here." He stood wiping the blood from his head. "Well. I didn't expect to live forever." He smiled as the group attacked. Fighting tem off using his last bit or energy. Then
He gasped falling his knees. Looking up He saw the queen. He puked blood coughing. "Big mistake my dear Ferrid." He stared at her face. "Now be a good boy and kneel and you'll live." Ferrid chuckled darkly. "Sorry. I don't feel like a coward today." She growled cursing the blade to kill him. He gasped again. His hole life passing before him. His human, vampire. He felt free from the curse. "Deals broken. I'm free to be with them.." He smiled as he fell to the ground. He could see the people he loved before this. "Thanks Mika." He thought blanking out.

Mika ran out of the cave quickly looking around for others. Good no one. He went towards the mountains no one wet to and made his way far from the vampires. He felt a weird dark feeling as he went. Like something in his heart broke. Yuichiro peered out his pocket at him. "Ferrid isn't that bad after all." Mika smiled. "No he's not. He just didn't have the hope like I do." Yuichiro blinked. "What?" "He never believed he would be forgiven. I heard about his past. He's been a vampire way longer than half those vampires I've seen. Only other one I know is the queen." Mika stopped for a bit hiding in a cabin deep in the mountains. He sighed. "I think we're far enough." He looked at Yuichiro. He looked cold. Carefully Mika picked him up cuddling him. "Love you Yuu-Chan." "Love Ya Mika." Then Yuichiro felt weird. He looked up seeing the world getting not so big. Soon he was normal. "Mika I'm.." Mika hugged him. "Yea I know." Yuichiro sighed hugging him. "Never let me leave you again." Yuichiro tucked his head into Mikas neck. "I won't." Mika giggled. "Were in this together. We will protect each other." Mika turned to face him. "Right?" Yuichiro smiled." Right." Mika touched his chin. "Yuu-Chan I.." he was stopped as Yuichiro kissed him. "Your my Mika. No one can have you." Mika smiled. "I know Yuu-Chan."


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