Ferrids farewell

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An: ok this us just my opinion on past. Not Canon or true. Just how I think it fits. Thanks

Year 1208
"Buy your slaves here! Only 40 silver's per each." The beuatiful man, seventeen of age. With silver hair, ruby eyes, and wonderful skin, He was deemed very handsome. But above that. His back beheld scars, cuts. He was a slave, of humans. One of his own species. Seen under others. He new the true meaning of nobles. Filthy pigs that looked down on you like live stock. And there He stood. Worthless, dirty. Being sold to the highest bidder. A master who would use him, in any way they saw fit. A beuatiful human like him never deserved it. Being thrown in the mud. He had lived the under life his hole life. "I'll take that one." He looked up seeing a man dressed in in royal clothing. "Is he a hard worker." "Yes sir, he is well trained to obey every command. He is also trained to fight. An animal at his master's command." The man walked over inspecting him. Looking over his face. "I'll take him." "What's his name." "Slave, number 2034." That's what he was known as. No matter if anyone knew his real name. That was his life. That number. He stared at the ground the hole time. "No his real name." The man looked at the older teen. "What's your name son." The silver headed leave looked at him. "He's never spoken. How could-" "My name is..Ferrid. Ferrid Bathory."..........
The story of love, greed, fortune, guilt and a decision that was meant to save. Coming soon as a story!!

Yes I made a preview here so people that like Ferrids character in this story will enjoy his story coming up!

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