truth be told

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There is a slight vore thingy in this. Its not really full vore. Its mostly just mouthplay but it's a big part!

Mika made his way to the portal and snuck past the guards and got out obscene. Once out He walked to the remote forest not far from the portal. He jumped up and sat in a tree so no human could sneak up on him on the ground. He took Yuichiro out of his pocket and sat him on a Palm. Yuu looked up at him. "I missed hanging out with you." Mika lifted his hand to rub the side of his head. "Yuu-Chan. I have wanted this for the last few years. I'm happy I can hold you away from the world." Yuichiro looked down. "Will I ever go back." Mika was caught off guard. "I mean I'm happy your with me but my friends." "I don't know. I don't know how long This last. But if it wears off. Yeah." Yuichiro smiled. "Thanks Mika." Mika nodded laying farther back into the tree. He let Yuichiro lay on his shoulder. Yuichiro messed with Mikas hair. "How do you manage all this hair. He rubbed it in his face and stroked it. It was so soft and thick. Mika giggled. "I just do." He grabbed Yuu playfully and stroked his hair. Yuichiro yelped. Soon Mika let him sit on his slanted chest. Yuichiro laid down looking up at the sky. Mikaela watched him.
Mika looked down seeing other vampires walking toward the portal. He put Yuichiro in his pocket sitting up looking at them. Yuichiro stayed quiet. "Mikaela, get down here." One yelled seeing him. He nodded jumping down going over. "You've been invited to the party for the nobles tonight. Go meet up with Ferrid." He nodded. Quickly walking into the portal. Ferrid wanted at Mikas dorm and once he was there Ferrid closed TE for locking it. He sighed turning to Mika. "Alright. First things first. Where are you keeping Yuichiro." Mika stared at him. "Bring him out. I won't do anything. Your going to a vampire ball surrounded by higher class vampires than you. Do you think they won't sense him. I sensed him." Mika hesitated reaching into his pocket pulling Yuichiro out. Ferrid smiled at the little being. "That spell worked wonders. Not the first time I've seen it use." Mika blinked. Yuichiro saw Ferrid looking down at him. He fell backward scooting closer to Mikaela." You..." "Nice to see you again." Yuichiro tried to hide farther in Mikas palm but he couldn't. Ferrid looked at Mika. "Do you think you can hide him from the other vampires." Mika nodded. Ferrid sighed. "If anything happens I' you." He looked over at the window to the vampires heading to where the ball was. "Thank you Ferrid." He froze looking at Mika. He saw the smile. He stared at him. "Don't worry about it." He walked over looking down at Yuichiro. "If he's important to you. He's important to me." Ferrid reached and went to stroke Yuichiro. Of course Yuichiro refused quickly scooting back. But soon reached the end of Mikas hand. Mika looked at Ferrid. "Don't scare him." Ferrid pulled back. "Of course. Well I'll be leaving. Take care. Both of you." He didn't have his usual evil smile. It was a face of guilt. Yuichiro watched him leave soon calling after him. "Why! Why do you still treat Mika like you care. You killed our family. You nearly killed him." Ferrid was reaching for the door but stopped. His eyes widened. "Why?!" He looked back at Yuichiro. "Vampires aren't supposed to have sympathy for their prey." "Well maybe not all vampires are bad, or maybe some vampires make a decision they can't redo. Vampires aren't what your human kind labels us as." He soon opened the door leaving. Mika was staring at his feet. Yuichiro looked at him. "Mika. How can you even look at him." Mika looked at him. He brought him up to his face. "He's right. Not all vampires make a decision they like." Yuichiro looked away. "Can I stay here will you go to the ball." Mika nodded. "Yuu-Chan, just don't leave okay." Mika began to leave when he heard. "I'm sorry." He smiled. "Its alright. Its a normal opinion. I believed it to."

Mika had been gone for about two hours why was he gone so long. Yuichiro went to peer out of the door. He crawled under it and looked around him. "Hey what is this." He froze looking up seeing a vampire eyeing him. He Froze. The vampire reached down and grabbed him. "Wow a bite sized snack. Why aren't I lucky." He raised Yuichiro over us head. He licked him smiling. "Your gonna taste good. I might just swallow you." He lowered him towards his mouth and dropped him in. Yuichiro started calling for Mika but it didn't help. Then the vampire shut his mouth and started tasting him. Uichiro thought he was done when he heard a familiar voice. "Well haven't you found my snack. Why don't you give him back." The vampire chuckled. "I found it." "But I already claimed him. My scent is on him. If you eat him it's breaking customs. The vampire huffed. "Your lucky in not in the mood to pick a fight with a noble." Yuichiro yelped as he was spit out and then was by darkness. Not skin but cloth. He looked around. He must of been cupped in a hand. The savior started walking an the hand above him lifted. It was Ferrid. Yuichiro froze trying to get away from him. Ferrid saw him go for the edge of his palm quickly blocking the fall and held him in a loose fist. "Don't struggle okay.." "No! Your the vampire that killed my family." He started hitting his fist. "I dobt trust you. You betrayed Mika, and hurt him." Ferrid tensed. He was tired of hearing the reminiscing of the past. He stopped and brought Yuichiro to his face. "Yes I did, I know I did all those bad things. I didn't think lightly on humans making assumptions. I saw afterward as Mika talked of protecting you, I saw that even know he was a vampire. He could still love humans. See farther than just livestock. I started to think Moe of it. I regret it. I'm so sorry. Please just please. Forgive me. I was once human. I had love, I had regrets. My love went down the day I lost my humanity! Humans. I hated tem for what they did. They always say we're so bad. We're just like you! Just driven to blood by instinct not thought!" He slid down sitting on the ground. Yuichiro stared at him. "What." "We never chose this." Ferrid grumbled. Yuichiro sighed. "I'm sorry." Ferrid sighed. "It okay, it's a normal opinion." Yuichiro stared at him. Mika said the same thing. "Now let's get back to Mika." He put Yuichiro in a pocket heading to where Mika was.

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