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The jet landed back at the compound, the lights outside lit up the night, and the ramp lowered, everyone seeing Fury stood waiting for them all, the agent being the first one off strolling right out and stopping in front of Fury. He looked her up and down, sighing... 'Glad to see you. You injured?..'

Tony watched as he walked off, waiting to see if the agent would speak, but they just shook their head... 'Good..'.. He nodded... 'Let's go, you can join the meeting, and I'll take you back. I want your report on the mission, and got another one for you..'.. Tony watched the agent fold their arms, and even though they didn't speak, he could understand what their were were thinking.

'Give her a break Fury, she just had a base come down on her..'.. Nat shook her head at him as she walked past, and inside.

'Any survivors?..'.. He asked the team.

'As far as we know, no..'.. Loki spoke up... 'Your agent took many down, and I for one do not wish to be added to it..'.. Loki cleared his throat, following after Nat, the others trickling in behind him.

'Wouldn't mind knowing who she is..'.. Tony clapped Fury on the back, walking inside... 'Pretty sure Hydra will be wanting to know too, after all that..'

Fury let out and irritated breath, glancing behind him to make sure him and the agent were alone... 'We need to know who our mole is..'.. He turned back to her... 'I don't trust anyone, but you're good at finding the information..'

She just nodded to him, speaking quietly... 'Its not one of them, if that's what you're thinking, but I want files on everyone else who works here, and has access to SHIELD files, all and any agents still alive, retired or not..'

'You'll have them by morning. Let's go get debriefed, and get you back..'.. He tilted his head to the door, the two falling into step walking inside.


'I'm hoping that's definitely a woman, I mean..'.. Sam shook his head, as he looked to Steve on his left... 'Kid was right, she's badass. Hell, she took down that many by herself, and we couldn't do that..'

'Loki knows who she is..'.. Steve glanced to the god ahead of them... 'Ask him..'

Hey Loki..'.. Sam called him, and jogged ahead to catch him up... 'The agent, definitely a woman? I mean, she's older than 25, right?..'

Loki scoffed at him... 'Any questions you want answered Wilson, I suggest you ask the agent yourself. I will not tell you or anyone else, a single thing about them..'

They step into the main room and he headed to sit on a couch, needing to rest. Loki would find her tomorrow, even if he had to leave the compound by himself, he had to know more about her.

'I owe her a debt..'.. Nat flopped down across from him, rubbing her forehead... 'I don't even want to think about what would've happened to me, if she hadn't shown up..'

Loki could hear it in her voice, the fear of what could have been. He offered her a small smile... 'You are brave agent Romanoff, you fought well, and did not give in..'

'Appreciate the sentiment..'... She raised her hand off the arm a little... 'Honestly, I don't even want to know who she is. Not knowing, Fury and Hill are right, it's better that way..'

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