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Willa composed herself before heading back out to the others. She was way past being angry right now, and if she saw him again, she may actually kill him for this shit... 'Sorry about that..'.. She gave them a smile as she headed back behind the counters, to clear up the broken dish.

'You really didn't know?..'.. Nat asked her, watching the woman sweep the floor.

'Was my behaviour not an indication?..'.. Willa shook her head as she swept the pieces up.

'You're funny..'.. Pietro pointed at her... 'I can see why the guys like you..'

'I'm not normally like this. I don't have angry outbursts, I'm quite controlled..'.. Willa sighed, emptying the dustpan into the glass bin, and putting the thing away... 'But I'm glad to know the truth now, I can focus on having a real life here..'.. She gave them a smile.

'I'm sorry for whatever has upset you..'.. Peper gave her a reassuring smile... 'If you need help with anything..'

'I've got everything covered, but thank you. I have a business back in Wales, and I work here, I'm not short on money or anything. I just spent all my free time, when I'm not here or the hospital, helping with community work, I guess now I can make some time for me, seeing as I'm staying..'.. Willa headed into the big chiller, and came back out, holding a bottle of white wine and a six pack of beers... 'Take your pick, I need one right now..'.. She put them down in front of the others, and grabbed some glasses for the wine.

'What happened, the day of the battle? Bucky filled us in, and Steve said how you met before..'.. Nat twisted a cap off one of the beers, Pietro had one two while Pepper and Wanda had wine.

Willa told them everything, from her and Sara arriving, right up to the hospital after the battle. She wasn't going to tell them about what happened after all that, she didn't need the hassle.

'Whats that?..'.. Wanda nodded to Willa.

'Whats what?..'..

'You keep touching your chest..'.. Wanda tapped at the base of her throat.

'Oh, it's my necklace. Sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it..'.. She smiled, holding it up for them to see, but saw the confused looks on their faces.

'There's no necklace. We can't see it..'... Wanda tells her, and Willa looks down at it. The oval stone, set in a golden cage, hanging on the chain, wasn't exactly hard to miss.

'You're kidding me, right? It's a big chunky thing..'.. She reached back and undid the clasp. It was a very old type of clasp and hook, but at least it wouldn't fall off like the newer kinds. She held in her hand, and her hand out to them all.

'Wow, that's gorgeous but honestly we couldn't see it when you wore it..'.. Pepper said, as she sat back down.

'Can I see that?..'.. Wanda frowned, and Willa handed it over, watching the woman stare at it, turning it over in her hands. Within seconds, she yelped and it dropped to the counter, while she shook out her hand... 'Where did you get that?..'

Willa picked it back up, holding it... 'Its been in my family for generations apparently. To be given to the first female born into the family. My father's family history..'.. Willa shrugged... 'I'm the first female born in about 500 years, that's if you believe the stories anyway..'

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