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Bucky and Sam walked up from the gym, to the main room, with Steve grumbling behind them. Steve was benched for the week, that included no fitness of any kind, or he'd be benched two weeks. He was a little stubborn in that regard, as he hated sitting still. Instead, he watched from the side, Bucky and Sam going hand to hand in the gym.

'I can practically hear the little bitch whines coming from you..'.. Bucky turned his head, chuckling at Steve, and Sam laughed, clapping him on the back.

'Hes right, it's just a week, enjoy it..'.. Sam picked up his pace, beating them to thw main room and seeing the others were there... 'When did you get back?..'

'A few minutes ago, we called the meeting..'.. Nat tells him as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and gestured to the four boxes on the counter... 'From Willa..'

Sam grinned and went for the boxes, but he felt a pull on the back of his shirt, yanking him back. Looking around, he saw Bucky opening the boxes, and he shook his head... 'You got it bad..'

'You tried the cheesecake, can you blame me?..'.. Bucky scowled at him, and then opened the last box, his face lighting up at the contents.

'You're all idiots..'.. Tony called as he walked in with Bruce.

'I second that notion..'.. Loki walks in with Thor.

'So, what you call us for?..'.. Tony turned one of the dining chairs and folded his arms across the top of it.

Nat filled them in on what happened, and then Wanda told them what she had felt with the necklace... 'It wasn't your magic, but it felt just as strong..'.. Wanda looks to Loki... 'It made mine feel calm, and we all felt relaxed around her. I don't think she knows, but-..'

'You want me to peek inside her head, just to be sure..'.. Loki looked between them... 'I would need to leave this place, but without an accomplice. I can alter my image so I will not be recognised, and I can get closer..'

'First, you will have someone with you..'.. Tony pointed at him... 'Romanoff being one, she can sit upstairs like she did today. Secondly, you will be wearing a comm and a camera the whole time..'

'This is not a mission Stark, simply looking into a mortals mind..'.. Loki rolled his eyes.

'Am I the only one who thinks there's more to this womans story, or is it just me?..'... Tony looked around at them all... 'Her visa is different from what she thought it was, and instead of taking weeks, it took less than two hours for it to go through, so clearly someone high up wants her here, I just don't know who yet..'

'You think someone has a hold on her..'.. It wasn't a question, but a statement, Nat thought it over... 'How long after the battle, did she apply?..'

'Two months, I checked. Around that time, her cousin had been transferred to a different neurologist, and told there wasn't much chance of her waking up..'.. Tony flicked his hands.

'So..'.. Nat moved from the kitchen, and sat on the arm of the couch by Steve... 'Let's work from what we know. She came here the week of the battle, not knowing it would happen, assisted when it did, and seemingly disappeared afterwards? And you're certain there was no footage of her during the fight?..'

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