Chapter 14

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Izuku and the rest of the class were in their PE uniforms and sitting in their designated waiting room got the Sports Festival. It had been nearly three weeks since the attack on the USJ. Izuku was sitting at a table, idly chatting with Toru. Over the course of the two weeks leading up to the Festival, they had trained together even more. Izuku then noticed Todoroki walk over to them.

Todoroki: "Midoriya, Hagakure. It's clear to me that you two are the strongest here. Midoriya fought that thing and you, Hagakure provided the firepower to defeat it. Now because of those facts, I must defeat the two of you and I will do it using my ice."

The two looked at each other, confused for a second. Izuku then stood up.

Izuku: "Look, I don't know where this is coming from but today's supposed to be fun for everyone. Yes it's important for us to stand out but I would rather have fun this year. You heard what my Uncle said, we get three chances. Use this one to experiment. Our second and third years are what really count after all."

Todoroki: "We aren't here to play games and be friends. We're here to win and gain attention of pros."

Toru: "Really? Could've fooled me. Only using part of your quirk? Doesn't sound like you're taking today too seriously."

The dual haired boy gave her a glare.

Todoroki: "You don't know what you're talking about."

Just as Kirishima was about to intervene, they heard the loudspeakers flip on.


Iida: "That's our queue. Let's move!"

The class stood from their seats and left the room, eventually appearing from a tunnel into the large stadium they would be competing in. As they stepped into the light, Present Mic's voice popped up once again.


The crowds cheered loudly. Other than brief pictures on the news, this was the first time the class had really been seen publicly since the attack. Despite how flashy UA can be, the school knows how to keep the media off the student's backs. The class eventually stopped in front of a raised platform. As they did, the other classes began to emerge, met by both less enthusiastic cheers and bland introductions from Mic. That did not help the glares every other class other than the business course sent 1-A's way. Oddly enough, it seemed the business course were all standing off to the side as to not participate.

After all the classes had revealed themselves, someone walked onto the metal platform, Midnight. Izuku looked around to see everyone was captivated by her costume except for him. He figured that's what happens when she visits the apartment so much. He turned back to look at her as she began to talk.

Midnight: "Welcome! I, Midnight, will be the one to direct this year's first year festival! Before we begin, could the first year representative, Katsuki Bakugo, come to the stage to give a speech?"

The blond boy walked up the steps and snatched the microphone from Midnight's hands before turning around.

Bakugo: "I'm gonna win."

He then gave back the microphone and went back to his place. The crowd went quiet and those who didn't booed him. His speech also garnered even harsher glares from the other classes.

Midnight: "W-what an interesting speech! Now, onto the first event!"

There was a large screen next to her that displayed a wheel of choices. She pressed a button which spun the wheel. After several seconds it stopped and landed on Obstacle Race.

Midnight: "An Obstacle Race! The students will have to complete one full lap around the outside of the stadium while avoiding various obstacles! The rules are simple, stay on the path, so no going around the obstacles, and don't harm other participants! You can slow their progress but you cannot target them to hurt them. Now, line up at the tunnel!"

She pointed to a second tunnel that Izuku noted was much too small for every class to go through at once. As soon as every student was in place, the count down began. One buzzer went off and Izuku's legs were covered. The second went off and half his body was covered. As the third and final buzzer went off, the entire suit was on. He took flight as the other students piled into the narrow space. As he flew above them, he noticed Todoroki had frozen the ground. Todoroki noticed Izuku in the air and scowled, clearly he had meant to catch him in that.

Izuku quickly exited the tunnel along with many of his classmates that had avoided Todoroki's trap. He, Bakugo, and Todoroki were in the lead as they were the ones who could fly. Izuku flew upwards as Bakugo attempted to knock him down.

Nana: 'Look out!'

Not having time to react, Izuku was back handed by a large metal hand. He quickly stabilized his flight and turned to see what exactly hit him just to see several Zero Pointers.

Izuku: "Whoa."

Nana: 'Is it time for the sword?'

Izuku: "Definitely."

Izuku held out his hand and nanotech appeared from his hand and formed a sword with a 3 three foot blade that Izuku definitely didn't forget Shota gave him to train with back before the entrance exams. He the held it out in front of him and gripped it with two hands.

Izuku: "Well, then. No better time to test it than now."

He flew towards the nearest Zero Pointer. The robot attempted to swipe at him but he managed to roll out of the way. Izuku then buried the blade in it's arm and continued flying, creating a large cut along the metal plating. Eventually he pulled it out and rocketed towards the head. He wound his arms back and swung the blade as he reached the head, cutting deep into it. He cut all the way through and severed many internal systems as the robot shut down. The sword was then retracted back into the suit.

Izuku: "Whew. What a start! Let's keep going."

With that said, he continued the race.

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