Chapter 2

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I finally stopped playing the guitar and then I realized... the music stopped as well. This meant everyone was in their rooms, either asleep or dying of boredom. I decided that today was a good day to take some keys and head to the exit. I opened my drawer which was labeled "?" because this drawer had the keys that I somehow got but I didn't know what they were for. I took atleast 20 keys and just stuffed them in my pockets. I had a plan for when I do, if I do, find the exit door. I'll enter, keep trying to unlock doors and above ANYTHING else leave the doors I go through OPEN, I didn't want to make the same mistake twice. I finally found the exit door! Of course I knew that wasn't the actual exit but the real exit has to be somewhere in there, right? One of the keys I had actually opened one of the doors inside that...maze? Yea thats it, maze! It was a weirdly shaped key, I don't know how to describe it tho. When I opened the door it wasn't anything special, it was the same old small room with a door on each side. These rooms started to annoy me but I knew I couldn't just leave. I knew that this maze is weird it doesn't follow the laws of, well... anything, kinda like Caine, which meant that the time doesn't function properly so 1 second in here is sometimes 1 second in the digital circus but sometimes it's an hour or even week. Since there was nothing new, except now I knew I had a key that unlocked another useless door in that maze, I decided to head back. I, as always, followed the open doors and I got back in a matter of minutes. Conveniently, the door opened very close to my room so it took me just a minute to get to it. Everyone was still in their rooms and there was no music which meant that I wasn't gone for too long. When I got in my room I played the guitar again. I didn't like sleeping. I always had nightmares. Caine told me to just try and relax but that didn't really help, I didn't even know how to relax so that just added to the problem. I started playing but without notes, I decided to just play and it was, to my surprise, beautiful. I forgot I even had a guitar and now that I've found it I can play it like I've been learning and practicing for years! I stopped thinking about it and just focused on the music. This was pretty relaxing I guess. I wish I had known I had this guitar when I was having what I like to call my "bad days". Like last time I didn't even realize it was time to leave until I heard someone knock on my door. Who could it be?

I hope you enjoyed this part!

Words: 498

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