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Before you ask, yes I do Quads. I started doing them soon after I found out that I was a therian. I'm not super athletic, so I wasn't very good. Four months later aaaaand... I still kinda suck haha. I'm better now, and I'm learning to trot. I don't really have a lot of great abilities with quads. If you want a laugh, think of this: When I was first doing quads, I decided to jump off f my desk chair. Now, my desk chair is a spinny chair,. So, because I'm an insane idiot, I tried to jump off of it. I go flying off the chair, almost slamming into the wall, and land on my face. I was fine, just kinda laughed it off. Man. I should tell this story to my one friend who's also a quadrobist.

Anyways, I want to get something straight. You do not have to do quads to be a therian! Reader, if you are a therian who at all in some way inable to do quads, you're still a therian. The definition of therian is someone who identifies as a non-human animal on a psychological or spiritual level, or because of tramua or past lives, not someone who practices the movements or acts of a non-human animal. 

Anyways, If you do quads, feel free to leave some tips or anything in the comments. I'd love some help. :3

🍃🐾                                                                                                                                                                                           🐾🍃

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