Chapter 27

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Candy spins you around though you quickly paused seeing Nala all by herself. "Hold on" you told candy before you quickly skated over to her. "Nala why are you by yourself? Where's Killua" you scanned Nala's face to see she that she hadn't cried but she was definitely sad. "He went over there with that girl.."  she pointed to Lyla leading Killua him somewhere. "Why did he leave you by yourself" you asked angered by him. "Me and lyla were gonna teach Killua how to skate but then she told me to go play with some other little girl" Nala explained.

"Okay, I'm gonna go teach Killua a lesson and candy will stay and play with you okay?" You told her as you took off your skates. Nala nodded. "Y/n I think you should calm down before you go over there" candy grabbed your wrist before you stormed off. "Candy, you don't tell me when to calm down and when to not. They over there Lollygaging and leaving Nala here by herself she could've gotten kidnapped" you said whispering that last part so Nala wouldn't hear.

"Just don't hurt her"  candy said. "I don't wanna hear that crap" you said before you walked off.

Nala looked at candy who was still looking at you walk away. "Come sit down" Nala said patting the seat next to her.


"Where are you taking me?" Killua asked. "A place where I can give you something to do of course" she said holding his hand. "Lyla I can't be doing all this, and I gotta watch Nala" he said.

"It must be yo first time just chill" she told him. "Naw Lyla this feel wrong" he pulled his hand away from hers. "What's wrong with me and you being together" she pushed herself up against him making Killua fall on the ground. "I don't wanna be with you" he told her. "you must hate me because I just wanted to play a game with you I never wanted you" she said in a low tone as she got down next to him.

"Lyla I don't hate you, if you wanted to play a game you could've asked me" he told her sitting straight up. "You're really gullible" she said, sitting on top of him.


You went down the hallway you saw them go towards and as soon as you hit that corner you saw Lyla on top of Killua. After making your way to them you grab a hand full of lyla's hair and yanked her off of killua. "Y/n.." Killua looked up at you surprised.

"I know yo ugly ass didn't just do that!" lyla yelled as she stood up. "Who is you talking to like that" you broke eye contact with Killua to look at her. "You, don't be mad at me cuz I took yo little Manz" she said a smirk on her face.

"Look Lyla if I really had the time today I'd entertain you but right now so how bout you go back to the streets where you belong" you told her.  She paused before saying anything, "you know your little boyfriend told me about little old Nala and parents" she said.

"Rumor says her daddy went to jail for being around the wrong crowd and I wonder what would happen to their happy old family if he went back to jail" she laughed. You turned around and slapped her so hard she fell. "I don't think you should cross that line, I'd be bad if you ended up in the hospital"

"You think I'm playing with you" she said before taking out her phone and dialing 911. You kicked her phone away and started beating her ass. "Y/n that's enough" Killua said. You glanced at him and kept beating on her. "911 what is your emergency?" The woman said from Lyla's phone.

Lyla started to scream for help as she tried pushing you off of her. You cursed under your breath before getting off of her and walking back towards candy and Nala. "Y/n wait! Lemme explain!" Killua chased after you.

"Do you think I'm worried about your apology?! I might just get arrested?" you looked around for Nala until you saw her by the food court with candy.

"C'mon Nala we gotta go" you said kneeling down in-front of her and taking off her skates and switching them with her original shoes. "Wait what happened" candy asked wearing a worried look. "Yo friend need therapy and she also need to go to the hospital" you told her before picking up Nala and walking towards the door.

"Y/n I know I messed up but please let's talk about" Killua continued to follow behind you. "Killua please get out of my face" you told him as you walked down the street with Nala on your back. "Lemme at least give you a ride home" he insisted. "No"

You flagged down a taxi and put Nala inside the car before you got in and told the driver your address. "Y/n please" Killua stared into your eyes. You glanced at him before shutting the door.

To be continued

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