Archives Of Legends

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"After some research I think I've found that stones whereabouts" Tecna announces "It took a few days but I've finally done it" She continues "Then let's set off" Musa says eager "The only thing is ... it's heavily guarded" Tecna continues "How many times have we broken the rules" Aisha asks in a joking matter Roxy quickly standing "What world is it on?" Roxy asks "The world of Arch" Tecna answers "Apparently the stone is held in the royal Archives the most elaborate and heavily guarded Archives in the magical universe" Tecna explains "World of Arch it is" Roxy says her wings folding out to show her Zoomix wings stretching her arms out and teleporting to the world of Arch only to be immediately surrounded by people a flash of light quickly engulfing them all as the light fades the winx's stand on a rooftop "Where is that stupid stone?" Aisha ask bluntly "It should be in the castle where the archives are held" Tecna tells her "Good thing I don't know where that is" Roxy says her eye twitching slightly annoyed looking out on the city the golden sunlight in the sky "I got an Idea" Stella says as sunlight circles her hands "Even If I'm not great at it but sunlight can make a good illusion" Stella says casting an illusion over the town square making illusions of the winx girls "Now let's move" Roxy says summoning her Zoomix wings teleporting to the palace entrance "So what now Tecna?" Aisha asks her voice drowning with snark "Yeah got any great ideas?" Musa asks Leaning on Tecna pushing both off her Tecna's eyes glow purple as the world around her forms into wire frames "I got it!" Tecna exclaims pumping a fist into the air "well then grab on" Roxy says spreading her arms out as her wings form into her Zoomix Tecna transforming into Believix to use her Zoomix the two teleport into the Archives the others quickly release their holds on Roxy and Tecna "So how do we find that rock?" Musa asks leaning against the wall "I got a way" Tecna says as lines of wire frame envelope the entire room "Mainframe" Tecna says casting her special spell her eyes completely purple books and artifacts circling around her "Phoenix's tears" Tecna calls out the wire frames configures into a path leading to a wall "wow a wall" Musa says leaning on the wall Flora walking up to the wall her eyes pink the same iridescent flowers leading her through the wall "This wall isn't real!" Flora calls out her voice coated in excitement "I got this then" Stella says her voice playful as she harnesses the candles light from around the room dispelling the illusion of the room revealing a corridor leading to the deepest depths of the archives Tecna and Stella leading the way Stella's light illuminating the corridor Roxy following in the back feeling uneasy trying her best to ignore her uneasy she runs following her friends noticing no one had waited for her to rejoin finding the others a small black stone model phoenix's creating a circle of protection a field of pure light magic protecting the stone "That's gotta be Phoenix's Tear!" Bloom exclaims in excitement attempting to grab the stone only for the Phoenix statues eyes to glow a piercing red sending Bloom backwards Stella catching her instinctually Roxy takes small steps towards the Statues to which she kneels down using her magic on the phoenix's slowly dissolving the field the stone glistening and shining in the light Bloom walking up grabbing the stone a darkness overcoming her dropping the stone to the ground Stella walking up beside Bloom creates a orb of sunlight encapsulating the stone "Now that we have the Phoenix's Tear what do we do now?" Musa asks standing with Aisha the two holding hands "Our latest 'friend' hasn't joined us yet which is unnerving to say the least" Aisha says as Roxy lets go of the Phoenix statue "let's just leave then" Roxy says bluntly "Cloud tower was almost destroyed from our latest battle and Alfea is GONE" Bloom says her temper shining through Roxy winching away at the sudden outburst a dark specter stands in the corner of Bloom's eye sending a fire ball at the specter the fire ball bounces back at Bloom who immediately absorbs the flame turning around the other Winx look concerned only for Musa to jolt "He's here!" Musa announces as Ash attempts to sour into the room only stopping as a sound wave blocks the entrance "I can't hold this for long" Musa says her sound wave barrier starting to crack "Everyone in the Phoenix bubble... thing?" Roxy says re-opening the Bubble the Phoenix's Tear was held inside Musa and Roxy jumping inside the bubble as Ash shatters the sound wave barrier "So seems you fairies have led me right to it" Ash says a smile plastered on his face his eyes roaming the winx spotting Stella's orb of light "Ah sunshine fairy you've been my favorite one in the group why don't you hand over the stone and I promise I'll destroy you the quickest and first so you won't have to see your friends fall" Ash asks his voice strangely flirty "Aw thanks for the compliment babydoll but I have my Brandon" Stella says her voice playfully a sickly sweet smile on her face as the orb shines "This shield won't last for long you know that right?" Roxy asks bluntly "I got an Idea" Stella says transforming into her Sirenix form a smile on her face to everyone else's confusion "Roxy if you would" Stella say's playfully looking confused Roxy lowers the barrier the sound of Stella heels clacking on the floor is the only sound in the room everyone silent holding the orb of light Stella holds it out "Take it" she says holding it over to Ash grabbing it the light shines a blinding gleam "LIGHT OF SIRENIX"

 thing?" Roxy says re-opening the Bubble the Phoenix's Tear was held inside Musa and Roxy jumping inside the bubble as Ash shatters the sound wave barrier "So seems you fairies have led me right to it" Ash says a smile plastered on his face his ey...

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Collapsing to her knees de-transforming she is quick to her feet as fire billows towards her only for Bloom to run absorbing the fire her amber red hair floating like fire her eyes red "Thanks Bloom" Stella says weakly Flora and Aisha helping her stand "Stella what were you thinking?" Aisha says berating her "Light Of Sirenix is strong enough to restore the pillar of light it's gotta have an affect on him" Stella says "Yeah infuriating him" Musa tells Stella "Don't forget potentially blinding everyone" Roxy adds "Guys lay off she did what she thought was right" Flora interrupts "Right now we gotta help Bloom" Flora says "Me and Aisha will stay with Stella" Flora commands as the others rush to help Bloom "Flora why did I stay?" Aisha asks confused "We've been able to restore entire forests I think together we can heal and restore Stella's energy" Flora says unveiling the Blossom Of Life "We can combine our magic!" Aisha say unveiling the Coral Gem using their combined magic to heal Stella and restore her energy

"This is over" Tecna says talking to herself stomping her foot as lines of wire frame expand around the room "MAINFRAME" Tecna yells merging with the world her eyes fiercely purple.

the world around them attacks Ash who flaps his flaming wings setting fire to the entire archive find the Phoenix's Tear that lays on the floor where Stella's magic had dropped it grabbing the jewel off the Floor only for hands to cover his eyes "Blinding Light" he hears as his vision goes white

"THAT'S IT" Ash yells "Those of the Icy depths and those who lye in the darkest storms come to my aid " Ash utters as Icy, Darcy, and Stormy appear at his side a frigid storm blowing the winx down to the floor only for Bloom to stand her sister's mask placed on her face her hair floating as burn scars carve themselves onto her face her sisters spirt circling her as they merge pulling her hair back she flys upwards the Dragon Flame materializing around her "Dragon Energy" Bloom utters Daphnes voice whispering along side hers as the Dragon flame slams into Ash sending him to the floor the three witches coming to his aid Musa stepping up sends sound waves towards Darcy as Aisha sends Waves at Stormy while Bloom and Daphne use the Dragon Flame to attack Icy the others attacking Ash who uses his fire erratically his eyes now milky white his fire sending Tecna, Flora, and Roxy back leaving Stella standing alone his eyes moving erratically not noticing Stella looking at him she realizes what she'd done "I ... blinded him" She thinks to herself as she backs away fear in her eyes the Phoenix's tear hitting the ground with a thud leading Ash to crawl on his knees waving his hands around franticly eventually finding the stone standing to his feet he waves "Well it was so much fun but we've gotta go" Ash says the Trix surround him vanishing in a plum of smoke leaving the Winx Club in shambles the royal family of Arch rushing in only to find the room in shambles the winx falling to the floor outside Cloud tower Miss Griffen and Miele rushing to the girls everyone but Stella being responsive leaving Stella In a shocked state her only words being "I blinded him"

                                                                              END EPISODE  14

The burned ones (a Winx club story)Where stories live. Discover now