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(Remember this chapter and the last chapter take place at the same time) Tecna, Flora, and Musa appear on zenith but when they look around the colorful world that usually is filled with tech is dead silent and almost pitch black "Something is terribly wrong" Tecna stutters while staring at the world around her but that won't help so she runs down the street while the other two run after "Tecna wait" Flora shouts but hearing that Tecan stops dead in her tracks "Yes?" Tecna asks "Let's use Speedix we'll go much faster that way," Flora says excited "Yeah you right Flora," says Tecna seeming worried for her world but with her world in trouble and Bloom's world in trouble she worried about everything "Hey Tecna let's fix your world then worry about Bloom" Musa calls out to her snapping her out of her head "y...yeah your right Musa" Tecna responds but transforming into believix to use there special Speedix wings they shoot upwards forgetting how fast these wings can be "woah not that's a thrill" Musa try's to joke but looking around realizes it's not the right time "sorry" Musa apologizes Tecna says nothing but just zooms to the castle of her world but stops at the door and just stands there saying nothing the other two land before her "what is it Tecna" Flora asks Tecna stays quiet for a second but then she speaks "well we should probably not be seen but I'm not sure where the Mainframe is that's the problem if we teleported in we could get lost because the closer you get to the mainframe the castle supposedly shifts and moves to protect the mainframe" Tecna tells the others "Well I have an idea for that" Flora responds "what is it then" Tecna asks "Ok so with my power over nature and plants and Musa's magic over sound and music plus yours with technology I can hold back the whatever moving parts that appear Musa could use sound and echolocation to figure out the basic layout of the castle then you fix the Mainframe" Flora finishes with a smile the other two seem speechless "that might actually work Flora" says Tecna "you sound surprised that I had a good plan" Flora says seemingly hurt but Tecna and Musa's surprised expressions "Anyways guys let's just fix this problem" Tecna states sternly "Well we should use Zoomix to teleport in because guards must be all over the castle" Musa says "Yeah it's weird no one's around as long as I've been alive the lights have never gone out but this is just freaky" Tecna states scared "We'll fix it don't worry Tecna" Flora says trying to calm her friend but before anyone says anything Tecna transforms into her believix form and uses her special zoomix wings but before teleporting away she holds out her hands for Flora and Musa to hold once they grab her hands there in the castle in the blink of an eye but as Flora and Musa look around Tecna still in her believix she floats in the air slightly as not to make a sound Flora quickly follows Tecna's actions but Musa simply closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before music notes surround the fairy's as Musa opens her eyes a magenta tint glows around her iris the other two looking at her confusion to that Musa just stares "Do you two want us caught" she says with a shrugs "This should keep all sound in and any sound created from inside from getting out so we're in the clear" Musa says but then claps loudly but with that she then places two finders on both her temples focusing "I got it" Musa says excited " I have a map of the itinerary of the castle" Musa continues "...the things echo location can do I guess" Tecna says surprised "Well then lead the way and I'll stop anything in the way" Flora says raising her hands magic swirling around them Musa and Tecna nod before all three fly Musa leading the way till a huge mechanical beast stomps it way in front of them "it's a guardian" Tecna states looking terrified but before the guardian can attack vines rap around all its rusted limbs "This thing looks ancient Tecna how old are these things" Flora asks hold the beast back but the sound of rips and tears will the hall Flora is sent flying backwards as a fist fits her Musa rushing to help holds her as Tecna jumps and attempts to touch the center to the Guardian but even her Speedix wings are not enough to reach to being but it was enough to not be hit "We have to all work together" but as they say that a sense of imbalance in the universe "Oh no that can't have been good" Flora stutters to say "Something must've happened to Bloom and the water stars for us to feel that" Tecna states "It's like what the golden kingdom felt like all those years ago but ... corrupted somehow like it was flipped upside down if that makes sense" Musa says finishing the conversation as all three turn back to the group of beasts known as Guardians that have all shown up after forming a plan Flora raps vines around all the guardians Musa knocks them off balance after sending shockwaves through the floor with sound then finally Tecna runs and touches the middle of the Guardians but sadly this doesn't have any affect even after Tecna sends technology magic to try and deactivate the beasts it doesn't work "Okay girls I'm allowing you to destroy as many as we need but not all of these Guardians the world needs them" Tecna shouts to the others with that said rose thorns shoot through the cores of the beasts and music sheets do the same "Tecna run ahead we're fine" Flora yells but Musa only nods with that Tecna transforms into her Enchantix form and  flies off finally arriving at the Core of her world where the Mainframe is held Tecna stares in terror as the metal and wires around it are burnt and shredded away "No this can't be happening" Tecna tells herself terrified  "hehehe well well well seems someone got here to late" Ash's voice cuts through the quite room with some clapping he steps into sight holding the jewel that once powered this entire world before Tecna can think her body charges at the man pinning him to the wall but as she reaches to take back the Mainframe smoke appears all around her till Ash hits her from behind "Ow" Tecna says in pain but the fire having spread now blocks the door out "Well shoot Fairy dust could purify that but I'd need Bloom to get rid of the flames" she whispers to herself as she turns to Ash who just smiles at her Tecna now tired of this man tries to pull out the water stars to summon a power to voguish him but the box with the stars inside appears but nothing else "So that's what the feeling we all felt somethings really wrong" she says scared "I have to think about this now" she whispers casting a spell around the room clearing as much smoke as possible still the room is filled the girl finds it hard to breath "This is over" she yells rushing at the man knowing how'd he would vanish into smoke casting a net spell in the most likely place for him to spawn from in a moment of confusion Ash drops the Mainframe which Tecna quickly grabs holding it high in the air but that fall seems to damage the crystal as crakes show them selves in the light but in shock Tecna shows an opening and with one hit the stone shatters creating a vortex of technological magic trapping Tecna inside just like the trauma she went through from the Omega portal but her screams of pain do nothing to help so she opens one eye looking out "I...I can do this" she tells herself as she reaches her hand downward but as her finger touches the nearest shard the vortex vanishes showing a new transformation Tecna's eyes glow a fierce purple with green strands surrounding the glow grabbing her fairy dust unhooking it she throws it at the man who's still watching from the corner but the smashing bottle only causes him to vanish into smoke but expecting this Tecna stomps making a sonar reveling the mans location raising her hands "Mainframe" Tecna calls on all the tech of this world firing a blast of magic hitting him but he smashes into the wall he leaves in a cloud of smoke turning back to where this artifact was once held she runs up ripping off the cover she grabs the wires using the same spell her body glows purple and green like her eyes but now she seems to merge with her world restoring the world as a smaller core forms from the shards the one she touched floats in front of her but so dose her once fairy dust but the bottle reforms with a few new rings with it but grabbing the bottle her friends rush in including Blooms group but before words are said Roxy teleports them from the falling castle "Okay so we have stuff to talk about girls" Tecna tells them

                                                                                 END OF episode 7

                                        (join me next time for the designs of the new transformation 😊😊😊)

The burned ones (a Winx club story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now