The blossom of life

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THE BURNED ONES                                                                                                As the fairies return to Alfia as the new school year begins but not as students but to take up that teacher role offered all those years ago. "Wow, we're back, and as teachers this time no more extra classes to make sure we know what we learned years ago, " Stella says happily "Okay Stella I think you're a bit too happy you do realize we're going to be teachers now and doing stuff not just flirting with Brandon," Flora says sharply. Stella stands in disbelief for a minute or two but shakes her head and walks faster to the doors of the oh-so-familiar college. As the Winx fairies walk into the headmistress's office, they look like the old but influential teacher they had now looking in sorrow as she stares out the window. Well, "look who it is," Faragonda says happily "Yep all six of us," Tecna says "Well as you know as new teachers you'll be teaching assistants," Faragonda says. "Yes we know we did sign up for that after all" Aisha says annoyed "Well if any villains show their ugly faces we can deal with them like always," Bloom says

"Ok, girls it's almost time for the students to arrive so we need to be ready ok,"  Faragonda says sternly "We got it" Stella states.

"Ok that should do for the setup but you six go set up for the entrance ceremony," Faragonda says "Me and Stella can do that Tecna wanna help with stability?" "Bloom asks "Sure why not," Tecna says

"All done" Flora shouts "Girls let's go inside before it gets too dark for Stella,"  Bloom says laughing

The sound of an alarm beeping wakes up Aisha "Ugh morning already" Aisha whispers turning off the alarm which Stella only giggles "Yep get up," Stella says cheerfully Aisha looks at the door as the sound of knocking fills the room "Stella get the door please" Aisha whispers with her face in a pillow "Ugh fine," Stella says opening the door "Are you guys ready?"Bloom asks "The students are gonna be here any time. We still need to set up all the lights and everything ready," Bloom says worriedly. "Me and Tecna and set all that up," Stella says with a stern voice "AISHA WAKE UP" Musa yells "AH I'm up I'm up" Aisha yells "Let's go already," Flora says with anger "OK geez Flora lets go girls," Aisha says sleepily "yep let's go," Bloom says hastily "yep," Aisha says sleepily. "Ok we're here let's work," Flora says but a few hours later after work the Winx sit on benches and the ground "OK the students should be here soon girls let's just wait," Bloom says with a tired expression "I'll go make some tea Aisha wanna help with the water," Flora asks "sure" Aisha answers "I'll help with heat" Bloom adds as the three girls leave the others just sit around "where back with tea," Flora says cheerfully. "We could use some thanks, Flora," Tecna says happily.

"Okay, girls let's go out and show all the new fairies what we got," Bloom says with a serious tone "WAIT" a strangely familiar voice yells running is heard "Wait, was that" Floras cut off "I'm here" a girl with pink hair and blond tips runs towards them "Roxy?" All the winx say at the same time "Yeah did you forget me," Roxy says still panting "We've all missed you since you graduated we haven't had time to see you sorry about that by the way," Bloom says a bit confused, "it's fine girls I've heard what you girls have been up to," Roxy says with a few giggles "anyways we have students to greet and if you wouldn't mind I'll do the explaining you guys do the transformations and explain how you got them," Roxy asks almost pleading "what why would we all say no right girls" bloom says confused as all the girls say yes the assembly starts "ok girls its showtime," Stella says with a laugh. As the Winx walk out onto the stage they wave to the new students.

"Ugh that was so boring gosh" Stella whines "OK Stella that's enough who signed up for the job" Flora says with an unnatural amount of sass "Whoa Flora are you alright that was rude of you Aisha asks "Yeah I'm just not feeling the best right now" Flora passes out on the floor as she speaks "FLORA" all the girls yell

The burned ones (a Winx club story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum