Villian x Sunshine

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I slowly creep into the area, knife in my right hand and my left in a fist. I know he's here. I saw him walk in.

I shiver as a wave of wind hits me and look around. The place is pretty open, not even a room at all. The roof is busted and the sun streams in, and the walls are open showing a feild around. Theres chairs, boxes, and miscellaneous items all over.

I stop moving and look for him. "C'mon!" I shout, "Im not scared of you!"

A black boot steps out behind a box, a taller man following. God hes beautiful. His hair dark brown, and eyes darker than obsidian. Hes wearing a black suit, tight in the right places defining his muscles. He grins at me. "Hey Sunny."

I frown. I cant love a man like... him....
I shake my head. "Where is it?"

He raises an eye brow mockingly, "Wheres what?"

"The crown, Stupid."

He chuckles, "Well that was mean." he takes a step towards me."

"Frick you."

"When?" Another step. "Now?" He walks even closer and my breath hitches.

"T-thats not what I meant." I stutter as he comes even closer, a foot between us." Just give me the crown."

He stops smiling and gives me a look that does something to my stomach. "Say please."

"Heck no."

He shrugs nonchalantly, "Okay, lets go Sunshine, and lets make a deal." His smirk is back.

"What kind of deal?" I glare at him rolling my lips inward to stop my smile.

"You win, I give you the crown, and we part ways." His eyes darken, "I win, and I do whatever I want to you."

I smirk. "Deal." I shove the knife towards him and he dodges. I follow him as he blocks the hits until i stick my foot out and trip him swinging my fist forwards twisting his jaw.

He stumbles holding his cheek. His breaths heavy. We continue for a few minutes until Im panting and hes backed up. His cheek is bleeding, and her holding his chest where I stabbed him. But Im not hurt at all.

I grin, "Welp! Guess Im about to win."

He raises his eyebrows a little. "Is that so?"
He unbottons his jacket and tosses it onto a box, and unbottons his shirt. I see something black underneath and my face pales.

He looks back up at me, "Whats wrong? You didnt think youd actually win did you?" He takes his shirt off and I glare at the weighted vest. Of course he would wear one.

He pulls it off and...

Holy sheet those abs. I cant help staring, and I feel my face heating up.

"My eyes are up here Love." He smirks. I tear my eyes away and glare at his.

"Just get this over with."

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