"By the way, didn't you just arrive from the capital?"

Cale, in his usual nonchalant manner, nodded casually.

Raisa observed Cale's reaction with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, even with teleportation magic, it's still a long journey. You should take a hot bath, at least to rest a bit."

"Nah, I'm okay—"

"Have you had lunch yet?"

The redhead was about to dismiss the idea with his characteristic indifference, but before he could finish his words, Raisa promptly intervened.

Her tone held a mix of concern and determination.

Cale hesitated for a moment before admitting.

"...not yet."

"Go change your outfit and let's have lunch together."

Without giving him much room to object, Raisa proceeded to push the young master gently in the direction of his chamber.

Before leaving to go to his room, he shot a questioning look at the young lady.

"What are you going to do while waiting?"

"You don't need to worry about me. I still haven't finished walking around the manor."

Raisa responded with a reassuring smile.

Cale nodded, his gaze lingering on her face for a moment before he added.

"I will send a servant to notify you where to look for me after this."

As they parted ways, Raisa continued to explore the manor, taking in the grandeur and elegance that defined the Henituse residence.

The sprawling halls, adorned with intricate art and tapestries, held a certain charm that echoed the prestige of the noble family.

She marveled at the vastness of the estate, each corner seeming to whisper tales of a rich history.

Amidst her exploration, Raisa unexpectedly collided with two familiar figures — Basen and Lily.

The young man clutching a stack of books in his hands, and the little lady brandishing a sword, noticed her presence and greeted her with genuine happiness.



"Basen, Lily. It's good to see both of you. What are you up to?"

Raisa reciprocated their greetings with a warm smile.

"I have to attend my heir lesson and meeting with the vassals today."

"I've got training with my Master outside. Gotta keep sharpening my skills!"

Basen, holding a pile of books and papers, replied with a hint of determination.

Raisa couldn't help but notice the changes in Basen's demeanor.

His face seemed brighter than before, and it was evident that he was genuinely engaged in his activities.

Lily, with her greatsword in hand, shared her enthusiastic plans for the day.

She mentioned having a training with her Master outside, and Raisa, who had met Lily's skilled mentor before, looked forward to the young lady's promising future as a great swordswoman.

Both of them seemed quite occupied with their responsibilities.

Basen, like an attentive younger brother, apologized.

"I'm sorry, Noonim. I can't join you for lunch today, but I'll make it to dinner for sure."

"Me too, Unnie. I'll make sure to return home before dinner. Promise!"

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