Wanda | Helping Hand

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Requested by - Hazard0828


The Straw Hats had just arrived on Zou, the land of the mink tribe but one of their crew members was missing.

Usopp: Wait... Where's (Y/N)?

Sanji: He was with us, right? Where'd he go?

Nami: Wow... It's the first time someone other than Zoro got lost.

Zoro: Hey!

Luffy: Don't worry. He's gonna be fine even without us. It's only a matter of time before he's back.

As they were walking through the jungle, a dog-woman jumped down from the trees in front of them.

???: Why are you here? Are you with Jack?

Robin: No we're not.

Chopper: We're trying to run away from him.

???: Well, you picked a bad time because he was here a few weeks ago and I'm afraid he'll come back looking for you so I suggest you leave us alone.

Zoro: Us?

???: Stand down everyone.

The Straw Hats saw several shadows move through the trees. Other minks were waiting to strike if they tried anything.

Nami: Luffy, what do we do?

???: Wait... Luffy? Are you the Straw Hat pirates?

Luffy: Hehehe... Yes!

???: Oh my goodness! I apologize for my behavior. You guys are heroes among us!

Sanji: But... Why?

???: Because one of your crewmates defeated Doflamingo and freed many of our buddies. Also, you're just good people.

Robin: It was (Y/N). Speaking of which, have you seen him?

???: No, but I will personally look for him. You all can head to our main village. Pedro will lead you to it. You can come out now.

Another mink jumped out from the trees and landed in front of them.

Usopp: Wow! We didn't even see you there.

Pedro: It's an honor to meet you. Come with me.

???: Oh, I should also introduce myself. I'm Wanda.

Nami: Nice to meet you both.

The Straw Hats then went with Pedro while Wanda went away in search of (Y/N). After jumping from tree to tree for a while, he saw someone who was trying to help a certain bunny mink.

Carrot: It hurts...

(Y/N): Just don't move. That wound looks bad. How'd you even get it?

Carrot: I barely avoided a bear trap set by Jack and his men.

(Y/N): Goddamnit... They're the worst. I have an idea. How about I carry you?

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