2.00 In Which She Joins The Family Business

Start from the beginning

"Scott's not the one who forced Aunt Victoria to kill herself," the shorter brunette told them seriously. "I know we're not supposed to pick and choose, but the priority right now is Derek."

"And the others? Derek's pack?"

Ellie barely hesitated. "If they try to protect him, then we kill them."

"All of them," Allison agreed.


The plan was quite simple. A group would go to each side of the station and shoot down the windows. Ellie, Allison and Chris would all use the panic to sneak inside and get close to the targets.

The girls both held their own weapons – Allison a crossbow, and Ellie a simple bow. Chris had various knives strapped to his chest, a wolfsbane grange at his hip and a pistol in his hand. They were all walking close to each other through the empty halls, listening out for any sign of movement. Everything was still, until... A yell. A pained yell, coming from the right.

"I've got this," Ellie said quickly. "You go the other way; see if you can find Derek."

She hurried away, toward the noise, and almost crashed into someone walking the opposite way. Immediately, there was an arrow cocked and pointed at their face.

"Ellie?!" It was Scott, blood soaking through his shirt and surprise on his face. He obviously hadn't expected her to be with the hunters.

"Where is Derek?" she demanded.

He didn't answer. "What are you doing?"

"If you're not going to tell me where he is, then get out of my way."

"Ellie... what happened...?"

"Scott, where is he?" Her voice turned to a croak. The werewolf tried to take a step closer to her, ut she flinched back. "You... you need to stay away from me right now. Just..." she moved around him, "Get out of here, and stay out of the way."

She was gone before he could reply, but the exchange had left her eyes feeling wet and her chest feeling emptier than ever.


Ellie didn't manage to find Derek, or Allison and Chris, but she came across the kanima in a seemingly unoccupied hallway. He was standing over someone, hand raised and preparing to strike, and there was no time for her to think. Instinctively, she shot the still-loaded arrow into his head. It went straight through his forehead and out of the other side. Her hands dropped back to her sides, but it wasn't over. The kanima simply turned to look at her, yanking the arrow out and throwing it to the floor.

"Oh, Damn," she muttered.

Moments later, after running back the way she came, Ellie was hiding under a desk and holding her breath, a dagger clutched tightly in her hand.

The door opened, and the pitter-patter of claws against the tiles echoed throughout the room. Silently, she prayed that the reptile wouldn't hear her. She had no such luck.

There was a loud screech, and the desk was ripped up from the ground and across the room. It landed in a pile of broken pieces on the floor.

Jackson grabbed her by the neck, lifting her so that her feet dangled off of the ground. Black spots danced in her vision, but she managed, using all of her effort, to lift her arm and stab the dagger into the creature's neck.

The sound that left its throat was nowhere near human, and it made Ellie's ears ring. There was a sharp pain on the back of her neck, followed by the creeping feeling of numbness that dripped through her limbs. She was dropped heavily onto the floor, on her back with her legs tangled awkwardly. Every movement she tried to make was slow, like she was under water.

She had no idea how much time had passed before footsteps sounded, and Matt's form appeared, looming over her. He sighed. "You should've given me a chance," he said patronisingly. "Remember when I said I'm not the kind of guy who would said something like 'well, if I can't have her, no one can'?"

She didn't answer, even though her lips were perfectly fine.

"It's not totally true," he continued, sarcastically sheepish. "Because, Ellie, if I can't have you," his face contorted into a nasty glare, "No one can."

Something clanged in the distance, and Matt went to investigate, leaving her there. She figured he knew that she wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

Closing her eyes, Ellie let herself relax, knowing she wouldn't be able to do anything against her stalker. She could sense someone close to her face, feel heavy breath on her closed eyelids.

Her eyes flickered open, but it wasn't Matt leaning over her, it was her uncle Chris. He put his finger to his lips to keep her quiet, before helping her to her feet. They wobbled below her, not completely under her control.

"We have to," her words slurred slightly. "We have to find Derek..."

"The station is on fire, Ellie," Chris said firmly. "We need to get home, recuperate. We'll get him next time."


"Is already outside with the others," he finished. "This plan wasn't thought through enough. We need to work harder at this, and then we'll get Derek and the kanima."

Ellie frowned, "But Gerard said-"

"Gerard says a lot of things," her uncle scowled. "You didn't trust him before; don't let your greif affect your judgment. He's still the same as he's always been."

They didn't talk again, only struggled to the car, where Allison was already situated in the passengers' seat.

Little did they know, not 100 metres away, Gerard was touching his hand to Jackson's as a new bond was formed.

a/n Hello! I'm so sorry this is late. I had my christening yesterday (yes, I was christened at fifteen) so I didn't have time. I hope you guys liked this - even if Ellie's going all hunter-crazy right now.

Thank you for reading! Until next time (Sunday btw)


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