Chapter 2

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That night they all had the same dream about being in a dark room with screen flashing their lives until everything disappears and a glowing orb faces them. But they had a few differences:

Caspien had a white orb that told him "See through lies and be yourself."

Kalsolis had a fire orb that flashes red and orange hues and says "To be or to not be yourself." She recognized the voice, it spoke to her the day she used magic...

Guerrans had a black and purple orb made of this slime and when he touched it it was hard in the middle. It told Guerrans "Always be true to you".

Hozan had a gray ball made of wind that spun uncontrollably on itself and said "Remember who you are."

A week has passed

The group met up in the tavern. There were less people than last time. They decide to sit where Kalsolis was sitting last time. A high brunette sat behind them and on the opposite of the tavern sat a small ranger tabaxi. Caspien notices a poster.

"Remember the group I was replacing last week? Well they've just been confirmed missing."

"Weird. Hey Guerrans, what happened to Hozan?"

"Hozan worked hard during the week so she decided to take a break today."

Echo soon after enters and talks a little to Emmerson before taking to beers and sitting at the table with the high elf boy.

"Omg, are they on a date?" Kalsolis jokingly says and giggles with Caspien.

Guerrans notices that she's writing on a paper. He decides to act like he works there in order to spy on them.

"So Blake, how is the farm?"

He wanted to answer but Horace and his team came barging through the door.

"We are back with information about the hive with formians. The formians are centaur-ant like beings and are a society with workers, warriors, taskmasters, myrmarch and a queen. They are very intelligent and the hive was huge. Per each level of the city hive there were a minimum of one hundred formians. Also during our research/spying, we saw them attack an animal with poison, suggesting that they can poison people as a special attack. But the strongest of them all, we will call the warriors, had broad shoulders and a strong jaw that could break all the bones from your body in one bite. They were also the ones with the poison filled stinger. They're only goal is to defend their queen.That concludes yesterday's expedition, we will bring our info to the thing and let's re-group next monday. The team that does the quest, just.. keep doing them."

His team then regroups together. Guerrans tried to see what she wrote down, but Blake noticed and switched places with her so Guerrans couldn't see anymore. Guerrans then sits next to her.

"Good morning Echo."

"Good morning Guerrans."

"I wanted to tell you that I also take notes from time to time and so we match on some level-".

"Is yours illegal too??" she answers excitedly.

"Well that doesn't matter, anyway I wanted to talk about a more important subject. Since we are missing a member, would you like to join us?"

She gets really excited but asks Blake if it was okay. Once she got his approval she came over and sat with them. Kalsolis decides to talk to a small tabaxi child. She sits down and says:

"Hey, what's your name?"

Before getting an answer Guerrans tells Kalsolis through mind telepathy: Ask if he's an orphan.

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