coming out pt1

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Damian and Jon have been dating for 11 months.

The two were currently sitting on the roof snacking on Doritos just after a patrol.
Tonight was quiet that doesn't happen often so they were lucky.

"So" Jon started "when are we gonna tell them"
"Hm, tell who what" Damian said snapping out of his thoughts.

Jon held Damian's hand.
"We've been together for 11 months, when are we gonna tell them"
"Tomorrow" Damian sighed.
"You sure"
Damian nods "I'm sure"

Jon pecks Damian on the forehead.
"But if you're not ready we can try another time"
Damian nods "I know, thank you beloved"


It was the evening everyone in the Wayne house hold were at the dinner table discussing tonights event.

And yes it was yet another Gala, fun (note the sarcasm)

Damian entered the dining room a bit uptight then usual.
"Ahem" I coughs gaining their attention.
They all go silent and face him.

He sighed deeply "I..I would like to confess something to you"

"Go on" Jason said bow interested.
"I am gay" Damian muttered "and I'm dating Jon"
"EW" Tim said bluntly with disgust.
"Get out" Bruce said sternly.
"Bruce you can't-" Dick tried to reason but was cut off.
"I won't support a f*ggot of a son in this household. What will the media think."

Jason was silent. Cassandra was a taken aback at Bruce's words and Stephanie couldn't even look at Damian.

"Get out" Bruce demanded.
"But father"
"Get out, I do not want a f*aggot of a son"
"Just leave you sinic demon spawn" Tim said.

Damian ran out the house.


Damian jolted awake by that nightmare, it was still night time but he couldn't sleep, he could feel the tears in his eyes.

Since he could sleep he picked up he's phone and saw 3 text from Jon.
Damian quickly unlocked his phone.


I am now

Wanna talk about

About what

Damian I'm not
The nightmare.

There is no

Go open your window.


Just do it.


Damian put his phone down and opened his window. Krypto was outside flying with a small bag.
He swooped in and dropped the bag on his bed, nodded then left.

Damian was confused and that's a feeling he didn't like feeling.
He opened the bag and found stacks of fudge and a card.

'stop stressing
Enjoy le fudge

The note read.


You're such a

I'm ur dork though

Beloved ❤️


Damian put his phone down and resumed into slumber.

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