Start from the beginning

He looked at the signs hanging around, he always tried to make himself understand the words, but his brain never let him. All the words always twisted around making him dizzy and unmistakably annoyed at how his brain was not willing to help him out.

Kaiden had just come out of band practice, every time he came out of band or any of his extracurricular activities he felt a sense of giddiness, vibrant and energetic since it was the only few things, he could actually do right without screwing them up, but today was not that day. His body felt sluggish, he had no energy in him. It was like his body knew something was out of the ordinary, but he didn't know what exactly and it bothered him.

The boy had tried calling his mother but the one who answered was his stepfather, Smelly Gabe. He knew he was too old to be calling the man by that old nickname, but he couldn't help it. When the man learned how to not smell like onions on a day-to-day basis and be an actual good person he would stop.

Why was the man answering his mother's calls anyway? He wanted to know more than anyone at that moment. It annoyed the boy how the reeking man tried to act like he was the big man of the house when he did nothing but sit on his butt playing poker and eating the food he didn't provide for, like the lazy pig he was.

What annoyed him the most was the lack of response from his mom. It worried him to no end, she always answered especially if it had anything to do with either of her boys.

Had something occurred to her? No. If Gabe hadn't said anything regarding his mother's wellbeing it meant that everything had to be fine with her, or so he hoped. Had something happened to Percy? He hoped not, he was in the academy, so everything had to be ok. Oh, he really hoped nothing was wrong.

Kaiden rushed to his home, hoping to get answers, and hoping to see everything alright. As he walked on the sidewalk he bumped into a woman, he felt something scratch against his jacket covered arm, he went to apologize until he saw the woman's face, she looked like some type of bird mixed with a lizard. He thought the woman was wearing a costume until she hissed at him, he backed away in alarm, staying quiet and turning around.

"Kaiden..." He heard his name echoing in a sing-like tone around him like in his dreams. "Give up Kaiden. You will never make it." He closed his eyes for a brief moment, he felt himself grow scared as his breathing began picking up in speed.

"Come on, little Kaiden. Half-bloods like you should know better."  His heart raced uncontrollably as if trying to escape the confines of his chest. The air felt thick, suffocating, as an overwhelming sense of dread took hold. Breaths became shallow, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. The world around him blurred, distorted by a rising tide of irrational fear. It was as if an invisible force gripped him, rendering him helpless in the clutches of a relentless panic.

People that walked beside the boy noticed his distress, but none did anything to help until one passerby got closer to the boy.  The young man was careful not to touch Kaiden in his state of panic. Gently, he began speaking in a calm, reassuring tone, he encouraged him to focus on his breath. Slowly he put a steady hand on his back, he was careful not to frighten the already spooked boy, he guided him through slow inhales and exhales, creating a rhythmic pattern to ease the racing heartbeat. As he spoke words of comfort, he remained a steady presence, offering support without judgment. Gradually, the intensity waned, and a fragile calm settled over him, thanks to the stranger's patient assistance.

Kaiden backed away slowly from the man, creating distance. The guy asked him if he was okay and Kaiden could only nod, he couldn't and didn't want to talk so he signed to him "thank you" and the stranger surprisingly signed back with a "you're welcome." and turned away not before checking that the kid was okay to leave on his own.

𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐍 (PJO)₁Where stories live. Discover now