Chapter 15 - Love

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Tom had wondered if his infatuation with Harriet would at least level once he had his darling pregnant with his child.

It surprised him that Harriet's condition only worsened his dark obsession.

Her scent sweetened by the day, which made her all the more irresistible to Tom.

He had to purposely choose his words in her presence not to reveal the true degree of his frustrated irritation.

Unless Tom was hovering over Harriet, claiming her in her nest, or watching her closely with one hand on her growing belly, then he became irked beyond measure.

His aides, along with most other Ministry employees had begun to notice their superior's shortened temper.

After Harriet joyfully told her friends the good news, she and Tom decided to hold a press conference to formally notify Britain's wizarding world of their happy announcement.

One afternoon, they each spoke from a podium as they stood beside each other while they informed the media of their relationship and Harriet's pregnancy.

Cameras flashed.

Shouted questions rang out.

In an attempt to protect his expectant darling, Tom ended the press conference prematurely by sweeping his cloak over Harriet and hurrying them both off the platform.

"Minister!" One of his aides called as the band of ravenous reporters chased them.

Tom ignored their call as he and Harriet rushed towards the press conference room's door.

"Minister Riddle!" Another aide called as he rushed to Tom's side, "You can't leave yet! The media has another fifteen minutes left in their time slot!"

"I am the Minister for Magic!" Tom hissed. The arm he had around Harriet's shoulders pulled her closer against him as he snapped, "I can and will do whatever necessary to protect my family!"

"Could we not grant an interview?" Harriet asked,

Tom glanced at her with his dark eyes narrowed, ".......What was that, sweetling?"

Over the cacophony of squeals, shouted questions, and eager chatter behind them, it was difficult to hear.

"Could we not grant an interview.....for a single reporter to tell our story and ask the press then to leave us alone?" Harriet blinked.

"..........Do you feel up to that?" Tom asked incredulously.

"For fifteen minutes....." She shrugged, "I think I could manage."

Tom scowled before he glanced over and nodded at his aide, "Very well. Choose one reporter and send them straight to my office. Be sure to mention the Minister and, the Head Auror will grant one and only one interview on the matter."

"Yes, sir!" Tom's aide obediently replied before he ran off towards the unruly crowd while Harriet and Tom left the room to seek out the safe, peaceful respite of his office.

She didn't bother to consider who may be sent to conduct the interview.

All Tom worried about was if Harriet and their children would be alright having experienced such unexpected stress.

Back in the press room, however, one unbelievably persistent reporter clawed her way through the crowd with her half spectacles firmly in place and her flamboyant clothing clearly distinguishing her.

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