The accents

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I would like to begin the chapter by thanking the Kaurana people and apologising for any atrocities committed against them. And now for the chapter.

OK, when you picture the typical Australian, you expect an extremely heavy accent right like: G'day Skippy mate wanna have a shrimp on the Barbie?

Yeah, well, we don't all talk like that, but when someone does, you can pick it out.

Then there's where I live where people have such a faint accent is in-detectable
or there is none at all.

As far as I can tell, my accent isn't that heavy.  But I can't say Ireland without an Irish accent for some reason

Fun fact the accent originated from the mixed English and Irish immigrant's accents, so an Australian accent  is a mixture of an Irish and English accent.

There are three types of accents, but my brain is just going. Hehe, I go brain fart.


Hehe, next week I wanna talk about how Australia was discovered. Any other Australians reading feel free to skip that chapter  because if your primary school education was anything like mine, you had to learn and re-learn  about it each year for six years.

( they don't teach it in reception, I think if I remember correctly)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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