"Who?" Leah asked, getting more confused the more Kalley talked.

"Chiron, the trainer of heroes, he's a centaur" Kalley explained.

"Centaur? Like..." Leah cut herself off before she could finish her sentence.

"Like what?" Kalley asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Leah answered quickly.

"Well Chiron is probably at the archery range," Kalley continued a little skeptical of Leah. "You should find him there." 

"Oh, I see, thanks for letting me know" Leah said.

'Anyway, I need to stop by my cabin really quick," Kalley said "I'll see you later," Kalley said before running back to her cabin.


Leah wondered who her mum was, it was hard for her to believe that it was a goddess, Leah grew up catholic, so she believed in there only being one god, but apparently, there was a whole pantheon of gods.

"Well, your god is real too, of course," An old voice said as if he was reading Leah's mind.

"Who are you?" Leah asked, spooked.

When she turned around, she saw a Man with Scruffy, thin, brown hair and a thinning beard, and from the waist down he had a white stallion body.

"What do you mean by that?" Leah asked wearily.

"There are many pantheons of gods, like the Roman, Egyptian, Norse, and of course Greek.

"What does that have to do with the catholic god?" Leah questioned.

"He exists with all of the other gods and those who follow him will go to the catholic afterlife.

"Oh, so who's my mum then?" Leah asked curiously.

She had never met her mum. Leah's dad always said that her mum went camping and never came back. So, Leah just assumed that her mum abandoned her.

"That we don't know, your mother would have to claim you," the Centaur said, "But who are young one."

"I'm Leah Osterman," Leah answered "Are you Chiron?"

"I guess you've heard of me," He said "Welcome to camp half-blood young Leah."

Leah shook his hand, before walking off to the Hermes cabin. When she got there, she saw two identical kids laughing about something, the one on the left looked over to see her.

"Ah- who's the little one?" The left one said.

"She's a new camper, obviously," The right one said,

"Who are you?" Leah asked, confused about what was going on.

"I'm Conner," The boy on the right said.

"And I'm Travis," said the boy on the left.

"Now, who are you," Conner asked.

"I'm Leah Osterman," Leah said, slightly nervous.

"Ooh- So regular or undetermined?" Travis asked, with a sly smile.

"What? What does that mean?" Leah asked, a bit more nervous.

"If you're regular that means your dad is Hermes, if you're undetermined, that means you don't know who your godly parent is," Conner said, as if it were obvious.

"My dad and I come from Britain," Leah said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Well, we need to know who your mom is, but welcome to the Hermes cabin," Travis said, with the same sly smile.

Leah smiled back, wondering if they can tell if she's nervous. Conner grabbed Leah's arm and pulled her into the cabin.

"It's not as full as it once was, but that means more room for you, take a bunk" Connor let Leah's arm go and went over to his bunk as Travis followed.

Leah stepped back, utterly confused. Wondering who Hermes is, but listening to them anyway, she learned extremely quickly that these people were crazy.

After a bit, a group of girls entered the camp. They all wore silver ski parkas and had bows and arrows, and a girl with black hair walked over to the Zeus cabin, while another girl walked over to the Hermes cabin.

"Hello!" The girl said, she had golden blonde hair and misty eyes, "Would all of the women in this cabin please follow!"

So, Leah, along with a few other girls in the cabin, walked outside. While walking Leah finally got to look around the camp. There was a climbing wall, a volleyball court, some basketball hoops, and a big pavilion, which seemed to be where they were walking. In the center of the pavilion was a girl, about 12 or 13 with auburn hair, she wore a silver, silk, dress, with a silver parka over top of it. Leah looked over to see Kalley with some of her cabin mates at the Apollo table.

"Welcome young maidens" the haired girl started "I am Artemis, Goddess of the hunt."

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