chapter 19

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tw - more anxiety hehe, blood. this first part is based off of a true story HUUUHHHHH???? coco and aimie therapy duo is heeerrreee (anioop spoiler aleerrtttt!!) enjoy the trauma.

a/n.a.t.a/n: lemme list some songs for the first part so you can read with more fear hehe (yw).
7 weeks & 3 days - yungatita
hidden in the sand - tally hall
school rooftop
warm nights - xori
you not the same - tilekid
icosa - oliver buckland

 enjoy, from your fellow unstable bestie x

i looked in the mirror, bringing my hand up to my nose. blood. i scoffed and rinsed it off with water, the bleeding had nearly stopped now anyway, no biggie. i left the room to a long hallway, so light that the white almost looked blue, it got longer the more i moved forward. nevermind, i'd just stay in the bathroom tonight. i spun back round to see the door had been replaced by a wall, a wall that was closing in on me. grainy, extremely discomforting and threatening music began to play out of nowhere. you know, the kind of weirdcore music you'd hear trapped in the backrooms?
 i broke into a jog, then a sprint, in a hurry to not get squished. a door; right at the end of the hallway. i quickly opened it and stumbled out slamming it shut behind me, taking a massive deep breath as i pressed my head against the door. the music died out slowly.

i turned around again. how did i get outside? my phone went off, about 5 people calling me at once as i speed walked to the front door. i answered aimie's call. "stella, where are you?"
"erm, aims i'm not too sure how and why but i'm across the road, i'm coming in."
"stella, hurry up. there's a mass murderer out on the loose somewhere, our area is at risk."
"what? i'm in the house now come downstairs." i hung up and frowned at grace. "what's going on?" my heartbeat sped up. 
"a woman, dark black hair, about five foot nine, brown shirt and black flared trousers. she's on the loose breaking into houses and murdering people. we need to hide."
"then let's go upstairs." me and grace made our way up, going under the collapsed wall on the stairs. why wasn't she bothered? we heard an unfamiliar voice up the next flight, i didn't even know we had another flight of stairs. there was only two (very big) floors in this house. me and grace looked at eachother, thinking the same thoughts. "go go go, go downstairs." she whisper shouted as we both took off down the stairs. the wall had been put back to normal. what the actual damn heck was going on? i was hallucinating, none of this was real. it can't be. the music started to play again, loud. really loud. yet it was so quiet at the same time. my breathing became heavy; i could feel myself shaking, and my palms beginning to sweat. 

as we got closer to the bottom of the stairs, which were extending the closer we got to the bottom, i saw a body. stabbed. no, it wasn't, it couldn't be. but it was. aimie. my safe place: gone.

i had no time to do anything with her, i prayed in my head as i took off, grace had disappeared to god knows where so i was on my own now. where was i meant to hide? the shoe cupboard. i climbed in, lucky i was small. i sat there, letting tears spill as everything hit. the music drowned my eardrums, and seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours. then it happened. the slow footsteps of the killer right outside the door. my heartbeat grew so loud i was certain she could hear it. i covered my mouth to muffle my wheeps, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. i'm going to live, i will. 

the footsteps grew further and i let my hand fall from my mouth, my body loosen, i leaned back, filled with relief. then a shoe fell. creating a thud, damn shoe, i hated that pair and now i had even more reason too. the footsteps broke into a run and i realised my fate. the door opened and the woman lifted her arm up high, throwing it down with force that could smash the knife to shards. the music stopped.




i let out a muffled scream into collette's chest. she got there first. "shhh, baby, just a dream, just a dream." i opened my mouth, it felt like my throat had been glued shut. i tried through my nose, suddenly remembering what i was told last night. 'in through your nose.' "stella it's alright, coco's got you."
"aimie's here baby, we're both here. we both have you." i heard aimie's voice and immediately more tears came. aimie... she was murdered. i let out another cry, "help." is all i could say.
"it was only a dream, baby, it was only a dream." collette said, remaining calm, holding me close as i tensed up, gripping my arms tight around her body as i pressed my head into her chest, taking in her scent. "stella breathe, relax. you're alright now, coco's here, aimie's here." she said. aimie joined in, i felt her sit down on the other side of my curled up body and put a hand on the back of my shoulder. "it's alright, we're here, just you and us. the girls are all upstairs, whether or not they're asleep is another question."
"there's no one else here, just you and me and aimie." i choked on my uneven breathing, rocking back and forth. 

after a good 30 minutes i finally had myself under control. "someone was trying to kill us." i blurted out, 
"nobody's going to hurt you, stells, don't worry."
"yeah but coco, aimie died." aimie joined the permanent hug i was currently in.
"i'm not gonna ask questions, stella, but it's going to be alright. nothing's gonna happen. got it?"
"yeah." i mumbled. burying my face into collette's hoodie. i didn't know what to think of what just happened, it felt so real. i had so many questions. it was bound to effect my daily life now.

a/n: did i traumatise you? that was actually a real dream i just needed to get it off my chest cos dreams always RUIN MY DAILY LIFE UGHHH, anywayyssss, hope you liked it hehe

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