Chapter 5

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I decided to hide it (bad idea, right?) but I really didn't want to cause any trouble or disruption therefore it led to that. There wasn't even any reason for me to feel like this, it was selfish and the girls would probably hate me for it plus they were all having such a great time it would be a shame to spoil it all. 

Once the queens had finished recording their welcome back video or whatever you wanna call it me and Millie went to sit down whilst Grace distracted Courtney, me and Millie got up and discreetly but very quickly grabbed Courtney's phone trying not to burst out laughing, she had a way of getting rid of all the nerves and she didn't even know. Then we passed it to Vicki and we all took off to another one of the drama rooms. We started a live giggling and trying to hide the camera just in case she (Courtney) walked in. "Hey guys," Vicki started after regaining control over herself, "just in case you couldn't tell we stole Courtney's phone and she has no idea" she told them, "Natalie May Paris don't you dare tell her" she said after seeing she joined the live. We decided to take a tour round the rehearsal studio since there was lots to explore, fans were still freaking out over the queens coming back and so many people were asking who I was. "This is Stella she's my partner in crime" Millie said in a very deep and serious voice which made us all start laughing in a dance studio, "Hi" I waved at the camera silently wheezing onto Millie's shoulder and we both fell over, at which point Aimie walked in looking generally really confused as to why there was a two girls laying on the floor laughing their asses off in a dance studio, my nerves had completely gone. And to make things better: "Stella I think the queendom loves you" Grace laughed as she entered the room and Vick focused the camera on us. 
"What in the world is going on here?" Aimie asked causing people on the live to start spamming her name, "Hey guys" she waved at the live in an Australian accent,
"Millie tried to introduce Stella" Grace answered her question
"Oh... well Stella is a new member of the queendom"
"GRACE MOUAT" Courtney yelled playfully entering the room, "GIVE ME MY PHONE!"
"OMG BABES WHATS THE BEEF HAHAHH" Lexi joined in. Everyone took sides and a chase started round the building, me and Millie got up and took the phone up some stairs into some sort of meeting room. We hid under a table until the others found us. Completely forgetting that we were on live we looked down to see everyone asking what was going on, " We're running away so Courtney can't find us"
"Too late" she said behind us trying to be menacing but me and Millie just burst out laughing and dropped her phone so she could take it back, although there wasn't much point because she was laughing too and we decided to team up and hide from the others just to see what would happen. We ended up ending the live, still trying to catch our breath. 

Once we did Millie decided to change the subject, "So um, Stella, Aimie told us you have anxiety?"
"Yeah, unfortunately" I replied 
"Is it bad?" Courtney asked
"Depends, sometimes it gets really bad and sometimes it's literally nothing, it's been quite bad recently"
"Well we're here for you if you ever need, you have our numbers and stuff just saying"
"Thank you" I smiled at them both... still under the table. Then Maiya found us, "There you guys are!! It's basically time to go home"
"YAY" Millie yelled excitedly "ICE CREAM"
"Not too much Mills, you're already hyper" I told her causing the two to giggle,
"She's more mature than you remember" Maiya added still holding the door open and making Millie frown knowing it was true.

When we were about halfway home (I was sat with Maiya and Millie in the minivan JayeJ was driving), my leg started to shake out of anxiety. The two were talking about Millie's uncle which brought back the bad memories of mine, how he abused me, fucked up my mental health, just completely destroyed me. I didn't notice the two girls go quiet until Maiya put her hand on my shaking leg and Millie held my hand the rest of the way home, thank goodness they didn't say anything in the car. They decided to change the subject and talked about what their first show back would be like, and how excited they were.

Once we got back home (it wasn't that far) Maiya took me upstairs and gave me a hug, "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah... just some bad memories about my previous life" I replied trying to hide the permanent scars on my wrists, it didn't work.
"It's okay, we won't talk about it anymore, he's gone. You don't need to worry, we're here." she said pulling me into another hug, "Now let's go get some ice cream before Millie eats it all" I giggled, and put on a little smile, actually it was very real, then me and Maiya went downstairs.

"No Grace we aren't watching Moana again" Nat said
"But whyyyyyyy" Grace moaning
"Babe we've watched every day this week EDD's getting tired" Lexi replied
"Lex it's Tuesday" Grace looked a bit confuddled
"Exactly we watched it yesterday",
Maiya joined in "I wanna watch try not to laugh!!"
"OMG YES BABES HAHAHAHHAAHHHH" Lexi shouted jumping up and down,
"Okayyy fine" Grace gave in. We spent the rest of the evening calling 'idiots in cars and motorbikes' dumb and laughing (which felt evil but some of the road ragers were hilarious). Me and Aimie sat together under a blanket on the floor just in the cornered bit of the sofa, cosy. I ended up falling asleep about 45 minutes after they -eventually- put Love Island on. I remember someone carrying me to bed but I can't really remember who, it was so late and I was so tired so I was basically asleep when they did. It felt good to be surrounded by people that actually care about you.

The next day I woke up at about 9AM (very late for me) and obviously the first thing I did was check instagram, I answered a couple messages and saw that over 5k people had started following me after Aimie and the Six insta page introduced me and welcomed me to the queendom. Aimie also mentioned me in her story, a picture of JayeJ carrying me to bed, she tagged me and wrote 'sleepy head'. It was true but I had to make an argument, I reposted it and wrote 'IT WAS 10PM', she replied with a paragraph of laughing emojis. I also noticed that a ton of people at my school (I was know as the care home kid) started following me which was quite funny. I got up and ready for the day, had an apple as usual and spoke to Courtney. 
"Good morning Courtney 'I hate fun' Stapleton"
"Good morning Stella Bella Bo" 
"Did you make that up on the spot?" 
"No" She tried to look serious, I raised my eyebrows, "Okay yes but only because I'm more iconic than you"
"I beg to differ Stapleton" I said putting on a deeper voice and acting like a business man. We both giggled then sat down and chatted about cats and dogs for some unpresented reason whilst we were waiting for the others to get ready so we could go to the Arts Theatre and get our dressing rooms sorted. Today was going to be a good day.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading!! I'm really enjoying the happy writing omg im so sorry theres no drama in here! Words cannot explain how much I miss London and these guys I want them all back. Have a great day (or night, whatever it is for you!), please feel free to correct any grammar mistakes or anything I need it hahah, please feel free to give me ideas, I love ya tomorrow!!

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